define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Source", "Tone/source/PulseOscillator", "Tone/source/Oscillator"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class takes an array of Oscillator descriptions and mixes them together * with the same detune and frequency controls. * * @extends {Tone.Oscillator} * @constructor * @param {frequency} frequency frequency of the oscillator (meaningless for noise types) * @param {string} type the type of the oscillator */ Tone.PWMOscillator = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["frequency", "modulationFrequency"], Tone.PWMOscillator.defaults);; /** * the pulse oscillator */ this._pulse = new Tone.PulseOscillator(options.modulationFrequency); //change the pulse oscillator type this._pulse._sawtooth.setType("sine"); /** * the modulator */ this._modulator = new Tone.Oscillator({ "frequency" : options.frequency, "detune" : options.detune }); /** * the frequency control * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.frequency = this._modulator.frequency; /** * the detune control * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.detune = this._modulator.detune; /** * callback which is invoked when the oscillator is stoped * @type {function()} */ this.onended = options.onended; /** * the modulation rate of the oscillator * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.modulationFrequency = this._pulse.frequency; //connections this._modulator.connect(this._pulse.width); this._pulse.connect(this.output); this._pulse.onended = this._onended.bind(this); }; Tone.extend(Tone.PWMOscillator, Tone.Oscillator); /** * default values * @static * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.PWMOscillator.defaults = { "frequency" : 440, "detune" : 0, "modulationFrequency" : 0.4, "onended" : function(){} }; /** * start the oscillator * * @param {Tone.Time} [time=now] */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.start = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; time = this.toSeconds(time); this._modulator.start(time); this._pulse.start(time); } }; /** * stop the oscillator * @param {Tone.Time} time (optional) timing parameter */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; time = this.toSeconds(time); this._modulator.stop(time); this._pulse.stop(time); } }; /** * internal onended callback * @private */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype._onended = function(){ this.onended(); }; /** * set the phase of the oscillator (in degrees) * @param {number} degrees the phase in degrees */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.setPhase = function(phase) { this._modulator.setPhase(phase); }; /** * set the modulation rate, with an optional ramp time to that * * @param {number} freq * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime when the oscillator will arrive at the frequency */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.setModulationFrequency = function(val, rampTime){ this._pulse.setFrequency(val, rampTime); }; /** * set the parameters at once * @param {Object} params */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.set = function(params){ if (!this.isUndef(params.modulationFrequency)) this.setModulationFrequency(params.modulationFrequency); if (!this.isUndef(params.phase)) this.setPhase(params.phase); if (!this.isUndef(params.frequency)) this.setFrequency(params.frequency); if (!this.isUndef(params.onended)) this._pulse.onended = params.onended; if (!this.isUndef(params.detune)) this.detune.setValue(params.detune);, params); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.PWMOscillator.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._pulse.dispose(); this._modulator.dispose(); this._pulse = null; this._modulator = null; this.onended = null; this.frequency = null; this.detune = null; this.modulationFrequency = null; }; return Tone.PWMOscillator; });