define(["helper/ConstantOutput", "helper/Basic", "Tone/signal/GreaterThanZero", "Tone/signal/Signal", "helper/Supports"], function (ConstantOutput, Basic, GreaterThanZero, Signal, Supports) { describe("GreaterThanZero", function(){ Basic(GreaterThanZero); describe("Comparison", function(){ it("Outputs 0 when the value is less than 0", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(-1); var gtz = new GreaterThanZero(); signal.connect(gtz); gtz.toMaster(); }, 0); }); it("Outputs 1 when the value is greater than 0", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(1); var gtz = new GreaterThanZero(); signal.connect(gtz); gtz.toMaster(); }, 1); }); if (Supports.WAVESHAPER_0_POSITION){ it("Outputs 0 when the value is equal to 0", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(0); var gtz = new GreaterThanZero(); signal.connect(gtz); gtz.toMaster(); }, 0); }); } it("Outputs 1 when the value is slightly above 0", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(0.001); var gtz = new GreaterThanZero(); signal.connect(gtz); gtz.toMaster(); }, 1); }); }); }); });