import Test from "helper/Test"; import Gain from "Tone/core/Gain"; import Tone from "Tone/core/Tone"; import PassAudio from "helper/PassAudio"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; describe("Gain", function(){ Basic(Gain); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var gain = new Gain(); gain.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(gain); }); it("handles input and output connections", function(){ var gain = new Gain(); gain.connect(Test); Test.connect(gain); Test.connect(gain.gain); gain.dispose(); }); it("can set the gain value", function(){ var gain = new Gain(); gain.gain.value = 0.2; expect(gain.gain.value), 0.001); gain.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with options object", function(){ var gain = new Gain({ "gain" : 0.4 }); expect(gain.gain.value), 0.001); gain.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an initial value", function(){ var gain = new Gain(3); expect(gain.gain.value), 0.001); gain.dispose(); }); it("can set the units", function(){ var gain = new Gain(0, Tone.Type.Decibels); expect(gain.gain.value), 0.001); expect(gain.gain.units).to.equal(Tone.Type.Decibels); gain.dispose(); }); it("can get the value using 'get'", function(){ var gain = new Gain(5); var value = gain.get(); expect(value.gain), 0.001); gain.dispose(); }); it("can set the value using 'set'", function(){ var gain = new Gain(5); gain.set("gain", 4); expect(gain.gain.value), 0.001); gain.dispose(); }); it("passes audio through", function(){ return PassAudio(function(input){ var gain = new Gain().toMaster(); input.connect(gain); }); }); });