import FrequencyEnvelope from "Tone/component/FrequencyEnvelope"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; import Offline from "helper/Offline"; import Test from "helper/Test"; import Envelope from "Tone/component/Envelope"; describe("FrequencyEnvelope", function(){ Basic(FrequencyEnvelope); context("FrequencyEnvelope", function(){ it("has an output connections", function(){ var env = new FrequencyEnvelope(); env.connect(Test); env.dispose(); }); it("extends Envelope", function(){ var env = new FrequencyEnvelope(); expect(env); env.dispose(); }); it("can get and set values an Objects", function(){ var env = new FrequencyEnvelope(); var values = { "attack" : 0, "release" : "4n", "baseFrequency" : 20, "octaves" : 4 }; env.set(values); expect(env.get()).to.contain.keys(Object.keys(values)); expect(env.baseFrequency).to.equal(20); expect(env.octaves).to.equal(4); env.dispose(); }); it("can take parameters as both an object and as arguments", function(){ var env0 = new FrequencyEnvelope({ "attack" : 0, "decay" : 0.5, "sustain" : 1, "exponent" : 3 }); expect(env0.attack).to.equal(0); expect(env0.decay).to.equal(0.5); expect(env0.sustain).to.equal(1); expect(env0.exponent).to.equal(3); env0.dispose(); var env1 = new FrequencyEnvelope(0.1, 0.2, 0.3); expect(env1.attack).to.equal(0.1); expect(env1.decay).to.equal(0.2); expect(env1.sustain).to.equal(0.3); env1.dispose(); }); it("goes to the scaled range", function(){ var e = { attack : 0.01, decay : 0.4, sustain : 1 }; return Offline(function(){ var env = new FrequencyEnvelope(e.attack, e.decay, e.sustain); env.baseFrequency = 200; env.octaves = 3; env.attackCurve = "exponential"; env.toMaster(); env.triggerAttack(0); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ buffer.forEach(function(sample, time){ if (time < e.attack){ expect(sample), 1600); } else if (time < e.attack + e.decay){ expect(sample), 10); } }); }); }); }); });