import toWav from "audiobuffer-to-wav"; import type { ToneAudioBuffer } from "../../../Tone/core/context/ToneAudioBuffer.js"; export class TestAudioBuffer { static async fromUrl( url: string, channels = 1, sampleRate = 11025 ): Promise { const response = await fetch(url); if (response.ok) { const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); const context = new OfflineAudioContext(channels, 1, sampleRate); const audioBuffer = await context.decodeAudioData(buffer); return new TestAudioBuffer(audioBuffer); } else { throw new Error(`could not load url ${url}`); } } static fromTone(buffer: ToneAudioBuffer) { return new TestAudioBuffer(buffer); } private _buffer: AudioBuffer; private _rms?: Float32Array[]; private _array?: Float32Array[]; constructor(buffer: AudioBuffer | TestAudioBuffer | ToneAudioBuffer) { if (buffer instanceof AudioBuffer) { this._buffer = buffer; } else if (buffer instanceof TestAudioBuffer) { this._buffer = buffer._buffer; } else { this._buffer = buffer.get() as AudioBuffer; } } /** * The number of channels of the audio file. */ get numberOfChannels(): number { return this._buffer.numberOfChannels; } /** * The duration in seconds */ get duration(): number { return this._buffer.duration; } /** * The length in samples */ get length(): number { return this._buffer.length; } /** * The sample rate of the audio file */ get sampleRate(): number { return this._buffer.sampleRate; } /** * Return the buffer as a nested array where the first axis is the number of channels */ toArray(): Float32Array[] { if (!this._array) { const output: Float32Array[] = []; for ( let channel = 0; channel < this._buffer.numberOfChannels; channel++ ) { output[channel] = this._buffer.getChannelData(channel); } this._array = output; } return this._array; } /** * Return a new TestAudioBuffer which has all of the channels summed to a single channel */ toMono(): TestAudioBuffer { const context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, this._buffer.sampleRate); const buffer = context.createBuffer( 1, this._buffer.length, this._buffer.sampleRate ); // sum all the channels into a single channel const bufferArray = buffer.getChannelData(0); this.toArray().forEach((channel) => { channel.forEach((value, index) => { bufferArray[index] += value; }); }); return new TestAudioBuffer(buffer); } /** * Return the Root Mean Square of the channels at that slice of time. * If buffer is mono, it will return a single value, otherwise it returns an array of numbers * @param time Seconds */ getRmsAtTime(time: number): number[] | number { if (!this._rms) { const blockSize = 512; this._rms = []; this.toArray().forEach((channel) => { const channelRMS = new Float32Array(channel.length); this._rms?.push(channelRMS); for (let i = 0; i < channel.length; i++) { const sqrSum = channel .slice(i, i + blockSize) .reduce((total, value) => { return total + value * value; }, 0); channelRMS[i] = Math.sqrt(sqrSum / blockSize); } }); } const sampleTime = Math.floor(time * this._buffer.sampleRate); if (sampleTime < this._rms[0].length) { const values = => rms[sampleTime]); if (values.length === 1) { return values[0]; } else { return values; } } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the value of a sample at the given time. if the buffer has multiple * channels, will return an array. * @param time seconds */ getValueAtTime(time: number): number[] | number { const sampleTime = Math.floor(time * this._buffer.sampleRate); const array = this.toArray(); if (sampleTime < array[0].length) { const values = => channel[sampleTime]); if (values.length === 1) { return values[0]; } else { return values; } } else { return 0; } } /** * return the time in seconds of the first time * the AudioBuffer rose above the silence threshold */ getTimeOfFirstSound(threshold = 1e-6): number { const firstSampleTimes = this.toArray().map((channel) => { for (let i = 0; i < channel.length; i++) { const sample = channel[i]; if (sample > threshold) { return i / this._buffer.sampleRate; } } return -1; }); return Math.min(...firstSampleTimes); } /** * Return the last time a sample rose above the threshold * @param threshold */ getTimeOfLastSound(threshold = 1e-6): number { const lastSampleTimes = this.toArray().map((channel) => { for (let i = channel.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const sample = channel[i]; if (sample > threshold) { return i / this._buffer.sampleRate; } } return -1; }); return Math.max(...lastSampleTimes); } /** * The maximum sample value across all the channels */ max(): number { let max = -Infinity; this.toArray().forEach((channel) => { max = Math.max(max, ...Array.from(channel)); }); return max; } /** * The minimum sample value across all the channels */ min(): number { let min = Infinity; this.toArray().forEach((channel) => { min = Math.min(min, ...Array.from(channel)); }); return min; } /** * The value (only if it is consistent throughout the entire buffer). * Throws an error if there are multiple values found. */ value(): number { const max = this.max(); const min = this.min(); if (max - min > 1e-6) { throw new Error("multiple values found in this buffer"); } return max; } /** * Test if the buffer has no audio data. if it is at or near 0 the entire buffer. */ isSilent(threshold = 1e-6): boolean { try { return Math.abs(this.value()) < threshold; } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Return a copy of the TestAudioBuffer */ clone(): TestAudioBuffer { // should probably also clone the buffer return new TestAudioBuffer(this._buffer); } /** * Return a new TestAudioBuffer at the given sample rate. * @param sampleRate a new sample rate to compute the buffer ar */ async resample(sampleRate: number): Promise { const offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext( this._buffer.numberOfChannels, this._buffer.duration * sampleRate, sampleRate ); const resampledBuffer = offlineCtx.createBuffer( this._buffer.numberOfChannels, this._buffer.length, this._buffer.sampleRate ); // Copy the source data into the offline AudioBuffer for ( let channel = 0; channel < resampledBuffer.numberOfChannels; channel++ ) { resampledBuffer.copyToChannel( this._buffer.getChannelData(channel), channel ); } // Play it from the beginning. const source = offlineCtx.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = resampledBuffer; source.connect(offlineCtx.destination); source.start(0); // compute the results const computedBuffer = await offlineCtx.startRendering(); return new TestAudioBuffer(computedBuffer); } toWav(): ArrayBuffer { // check that the min and max are between -1 and 1 return toWav(this._buffer, { float32: false, }); } downloadWav(filename = "test_audio"): void { const wave = this.toWav(); const blob = new Blob([wave], { type: "audio/wav" }); const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = blobUrl; = filename;; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); } forEach(callback: (sample: number, time: number) => void): void { const channels = this.toMono().toArray(); channels[0].forEach((sample, index) => { callback(sample, index / this.sampleRate); }); } forEachBetween( callback: (sample: number, time: number) => void, startTime = 0, endTime: number = this.duration ): void { const channels = this.toMono().toArray(); const startSamples = Math.floor(startTime * this.sampleRate); const endSamples = Math.floor( Math.min(endTime * this.sampleRate, this.length) ); for (let s = startSamples; s < endSamples; s++) { const sample = channels[0][s]; callback(sample, s / this.sampleRate); } } }