define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/instrument/MonoSynth", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/signal/Multiply", "Tone/instrument/Monophonic", "Tone/signal/Expr"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class the AMSynth is composed of two MonoSynths where one MonoSynth is the * carrier and the second is the modulator. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Monophonic} * @param {Object} options the options available for the synth * see defaults below */ Tone.AMSynth = function(options){ options = this.defaultArg(options, Tone.AMSynth.defaults);, options); /** * the first voice * @type {Tone.MonoSynth} */ this.carrier = new Tone.MonoSynth(options.carrier); this.carrier.setVolume(-10); /** * the second voice * @type {Tone.MonoSynth} */ this.modulator = new Tone.MonoSynth(options.modulator); this.modulator.setVolume(-10); /** * the frequency control * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.frequency = new Tone.Signal(440); /** * the ratio between the two voices * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._harmonicity = new Tone.Multiply(options.harmonicity); /** * convert the -1,1 output to 0,1 * @type {Tone.Expr} * @private */ this._modulationScale = new Tone.Expr("($0 + 1) * 0.5"); /** * the node where the modulation happens * @type {GainNode} * @private */ this._modulationNode = this.context.createGain(); //control the two voices frequency this.frequency.connect(this.carrier.frequency); this.chain(this.frequency, this._harmonicity, this.modulator.frequency); this.chain(this.modulator, this._modulationScale, this._modulationNode.gain); this.chain(this.carrier, this._modulationNode, this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.AMSynth, Tone.Monophonic); /** * @static * @type {Object} */ Tone.AMSynth.defaults = { "harmonicity" : 3, "modulationIndex" : 1, "carrier" : { "volume" : -10, "portamento" : 0, "oscillator" : { "type" : "sine" }, "envelope" : { "attack" : 0.01, "decay" : 0.01, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.5 }, "filterEnvelope" : { "attack" : 0.01, "decay" : 0.0, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.5, "min" : 20000, "max" : 20000 } }, "modulator" : { "volume" : -10, "portamento" : 0, "oscillator" : { "type" : "square" }, "envelope" : { "attack" : 2, "decay" : 0.0, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.5 }, "filterEnvelope" : { "attack" : 4, "decay" : 0.2, "sustain" : 0.5, "release" : 0.5, "min" : 20, "max" : 1500 } } }; /** * trigger the attack portion of the note * * @param {Tone.Time=} [time=now] the time the note will occur * @param {number=} velocity the velocity of the note */ Tone.AMSynth.prototype.triggerEnvelopeAttack = function(time, velocity){ //the port glide time = this.toSeconds(time); //the envelopes this.carrier.envelope.triggerAttack(time, velocity); this.modulator.envelope.triggerAttack(time); this.carrier.filterEnvelope.triggerAttack(time); this.modulator.filterEnvelope.triggerAttack(time); }; /** * trigger the release portion of the note * * @param {Tone.Time=} [time=now] the time the note will release */ Tone.AMSynth.prototype.triggerEnvelopeRelease = function(time){ this.carrier.triggerRelease(time); this.modulator.triggerRelease(time); }; /** * set the ratio between the two carrier and the modulator * @param {number} ratio */ Tone.AMSynth.prototype.setHarmonicity = function(ratio){ this._harmonicity.setValue(ratio); }; /** * bulk setter * @param {Object} param */ Tone.AMSynth.prototype.set = function(params){ if (!this.isUndef(params.harmonicity)) this.setHarmonicity(params.harmonicity); if (!this.isUndef(params.carrier)) this.carrier.set(params.carrier); if (!this.isUndef(params.modulator)) this.modulator.set(params.modulator);, params); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.AMSynth.prototype.dispose = function(){; this.carrier.dispose(); this.modulator.dispose(); this.frequency.dispose(); this._modulationIndex.dispose(); this._harmonicity.dispose(); this._modulationScale.disconnect(); this.carrier = null; this.modulator = null; this.frequency = null; this._modulationIndex = null; this._harmonicity = null; this._modulationScale = null; }; return Tone.AMSynth; });