/* global it, describe, wasDisposed */ define(["tests/Core", "chai", "Tone/instrument/DuoSynth", "Tone/instrument/MonoSynth", "Tone/instrument/FMSynth", "Tone/instrument/PolySynth", "Tone/instrument/Sampler", "Tone/instrument/MultiSampler"], function(Tone, chai, DuoSynth, MonoSynth, FMSynth, PolySynth, Sampler, MultiSampler){ var expect = chai.expect; describe("Tone.MonoSynth", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var ms = new MonoSynth(); ms.dispose(); wasDisposed(ms, expect); }); }); describe("Tone.DuoSynth", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var ds = new DuoSynth(); ds.dispose(); wasDisposed(ds, expect); }); }); describe("Tone.FMSynth", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var fms = new FMSynth(); fms.dispose(); wasDisposed(fms, expect); }); }); describe("Tone.PolySynth", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var ps = new PolySynth(); ps.dispose(); wasDisposed(ps, expect); }); }); describe("Tone.Sampler", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var samp = new Sampler(); samp.dispose(); wasDisposed(samp, expect); }); }); describe("Tone.MultiSampler", function(){ it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var samp = new MultiSampler(); samp.dispose(); wasDisposed(samp, expect); }); }); });