import { Signal, SignalOptions } from "./Signal"; import { NormalRange, Seconds, Time, TransportTime, UnitMap, UnitName } from "../core/type/Units"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../core/util/Defaults"; import { TransportTimeClass } from "../core/type/TransportTime"; import { ToneConstantSource } from "./ToneConstantSource"; import { OutputNode } from "../core/context/ToneAudioNode"; /** * Adds the ability to synchronize the signal to the [[Transport]] */ export class TransportTimelineSignal extends Signal { readonly name: string = "TransportTimelineSignal"; /** * Don't override when something is connected to the input */ readonly override = false; readonly output: OutputNode; /** * Keep track of the last value as an optimization. */ private _lastVal: UnitMap[TypeName]; /** * The ID returned from scheduleRepeat */ private _synced: number; /** * Remember the callback value */ private _syncedCallback: () => void; /** * @param value Initial value of the signal * @param units The unit name, e.g. "frequency" */ constructor(value?: UnitMap[TypeName], units?: TypeName); constructor(options?: Partial>); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(Signal.getDefaults(), arguments, ["value", "units"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(Signal.getDefaults(), arguments, ["value", "units"]) as SignalOptions; this._lastVal = options.value; this._synced = this.context.transport.scheduleRepeat(this._onTick.bind(this), "1i"); this._syncedCallback = this._anchorValue.bind(this); this.context.transport.on("start", this._syncedCallback); this.context.transport.on("pause", this._syncedCallback); this.context.transport.on("stop", this._syncedCallback); // disconnect the constant source from the output and replace it with another one this._constantSource.disconnect(); this._constantSource.stop(0); // create a new one this._constantSource = this.output = new ToneConstantSource({ context: this.context, offset: options.value, units: options.units, }).start(0); this.setValueAtTime(options.value, 0); } /** * Callback which is invoked every tick. */ private _onTick(time: Seconds): void { const val = super.getValueAtTime(this.context.transport.seconds); // approximate ramp curves with linear ramps if (this._lastVal !== val) { this._lastVal = val; this._constantSource.offset.setValueAtTime(val, time); } } /** * Anchor the value at the start and stop of the Transport */ private _anchorValue(time: Seconds): void { const val = super.getValueAtTime(this.context.transport.seconds); this._lastVal = val; this._constantSource.offset.cancelAndHoldAtTime(time); this._constantSource.offset.setValueAtTime(val, time); } getValueAtTime(time: TransportTime): UnitMap[TypeName] { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); return super.getValueAtTime(computedTime); } setValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: TransportTime) { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); super.setValueAtTime(value, computedTime); return this; } linearRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: TransportTime) { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); super.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, computedTime); return this; } exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: TransportTime) { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); super.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, computedTime); return this; } setTargetAtTime(value, startTime: TransportTime, timeConstant: number): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); super.setTargetAtTime(value, computedTime, timeConstant); return this; } cancelScheduledValues(startTime: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); super.cancelScheduledValues(computedTime); return this; } setValueCurveAtTime(values: UnitMap[TypeName][], startTime: TransportTime, duration: Time, scaling: NormalRange): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); duration = this.toSeconds(duration); super.setValueCurveAtTime(values, computedTime, duration, scaling); return this; } cancelAndHoldAtTime(time: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); super.cancelAndHoldAtTime(computedTime); return this; } setRampPoint(time: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, time).toSeconds(); super.setRampPoint(computedTime); return this; } exponentialRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); super.exponentialRampTo(value, rampTime, computedTime); return this; } linearRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); super.linearRampTo(value, rampTime, computedTime); return this; } targetRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: TransportTime): this { const computedTime = new TransportTimeClass(this.context, startTime).toSeconds(); super.targetRampTo(value, rampTime, computedTime); return this; } dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this.context.transport.clear(this._synced);"start", this._syncedCallback);"pause", this._syncedCallback);"stop", this._syncedCallback); this._constantSource.dispose(); return this; } }