define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Buffer", "Tone/effect/Effect"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Convolver wrapper for reverb and emulation. * NB: currently, this class only supports 1 buffer member. * Future iterations will include a this.buffers collection for multi buffer mode. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @param {string|Object=} url * @param {function=} callback function */ Tone.Convolver = function(){ //get all of the defaults var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["url", "onload"], Tone.Convolver.defaults); //connections, options); /** * convolver node * @type {ConvolverNode} * @private */ this._convolver = this.context.createConvolver(); /** * the convolution buffer * * @type {AudioBuffer} * @private */ this._buffer = null; this.connectEffect(this._convolver); //if there is a url, load it. if (!this.isUndef(options.url)){ this.load(options.url, options.onload); } }; Tone.extend(Tone.Convolver, Tone.Effect); /** * @static * @type {Object} */ Tone.Convolver.defaults = { "onload": function(){}, }; /** * Load the impulse response url as an audio buffer. * Decodes the audio asynchronously and invokes * the callback once the audio buffer loads. * @param {string} url the url of the buffer to load. * filetype support depends on the * browser. * @param {function(Tone.Convolver)=} callback */ Tone.Convolver.prototype.load = function(url, callback){ if (!this._buffer){ var self = this; new Tone.Buffer(url, function (buffer){ self.setBuffer(buffer); if (callback){ callback(self); } }); } else if (callback){ callback(this); } }; /** * set the buffer * * @param {AudioBuffer} buffer the impulse response */ Tone.Convolver.prototype.setBuffer = function(buffer){ this._buffer = buffer; this._convolver.buffer = this._buffer; }; /** * set multiple parameters at once with an object * @param {Object} params the parameters as an object */ Tone.Convolver.prototype.set = function(params){ if (!this.isUndef(params.buffer)) this.setBuffer(params.buffer);, params); }; /** * dispose and disconnect */ Tone.Convolver.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._convolver.disconnect(); this._convolver = null; this._buffer = null; }; return Tone.Convolver; });