import Offline from "helper/Offline"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; import WaveShaper from "Tone/signal/WaveShaper"; import Signal from "Tone/signal/Signal"; import ConstantOutput from "helper/ConstantOutput"; describe("WaveShaper", function(){ Basic(WaveShaper); describe("Construction Options", function(){ it("can be constructed with an array", function(){ var waveshaper = new WaveShaper([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); expect(waveshaper.curve[0]).to.equal(1); expect(waveshaper.curve[2]).to.equal(3); }); it("can be constructed with a mapping function", function(){ var waveshaper = new WaveShaper(function(){ return -2; }); expect(waveshaper.curve[0]).to.equal(-2); expect(waveshaper.curve[1]).to.equal(-2); }); it("can be constructed with a length and then set with a map", function(){ var waveshaper = new WaveShaper(2048).setMap(function(){ return 10; }); expect(waveshaper.curve.length).to.equal(2048); expect(waveshaper.curve[0]).to.equal(10); expect(waveshaper.curve[1]).to.equal(10); }); it("can be set to oversample", function(){ var waveshaper = new WaveShaper(); expect(waveshaper.oversample).to.equal("none"); waveshaper.oversample = "2x"; expect(waveshaper.oversample).to.equal("2x"); expect(function(){ waveshaper.oversample = "3x"; }).to.throw(Error); }); }); describe("Logic", function(){ it("shapes the output of the incoming signal", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(1); var waveshaper = new WaveShaper([-10, -10, -10]); signal.connect(waveshaper); waveshaper.toMaster(); }, -10); }); it("outputs the last curve value when the input is above 1", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(10); var waveshaper = new WaveShaper([-20, 20]); signal.connect(waveshaper); waveshaper.toMaster(); }, 20); }); it("outputs the first curve value when the input is below -1", function(){ return ConstantOutput(function(){ var signal = new Signal(-1); var waveshaper = new WaveShaper([-20, 20]); signal.connect(waveshaper); waveshaper.toMaster(); }, -20); }); it("maps the input through the waveshaping curve", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var signal = new Signal(-1); var waveshaper = new WaveShaper(function(input){ return input * 2; }); signal.connect(waveshaper); waveshaper.toMaster(); signal.setValueAtTime(-1, 0); signal.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, 1); }, 1).then(function(buffer){ buffer.forEach(function(sample, time){ expect(sample) * ((time * 2) - 1), 0.005); }); }); }); }); });