define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Multiply"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Signal-rate modulo operator. Specify the modulus and the * number of bits of the incoming signal. Because the operator is composed of many components, * fewer bits will improve performance. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} modulus the modolus to apply * @param {number} [bits=8] optionally set the maximum bits the incoming signal can have. * defaults to 8 meaning that incoming values must be in the range * [-255,255]. (2^8 = 256); */ Tone.Modulo = function(modulus, bits){; bits = this.defaultArg(bits, 8); /** * the array of Modulus Subroutine objects * @type {Array.} * @private */ this._modChain = []; //create all of the subroutines for (var i = bits - 1; i >= 0; i--){ var mod = new ModuloSubroutine(modulus, Math.pow(2, i)); this._modChain.push(mod); } this.chain.apply(this, this._modChain); this.input.connect(this._modChain[0]); this._modChain[this._modChain.length - 1].connect(this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Modulo); Tone.Modulo.prototype.dispose = function(){; for (var i = 0; i < this._modChain.length; i++) { this._modChain[i].dispose(); this._modChain[i] = null; } this._modChain = null; }; /** * @class applies a modolus at a single bit depth. * uses this operation: * * * @internal helper class for modulo * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ var ModuloSubroutine = function(modulus, multiple){ var val = modulus * multiple; /** * the input node */ this.input = this.context.createGain(); /** * divide the incoming signal so it's on a 0 to 1 scale * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._div = new Tone.Multiply(1 / val); /** * apply the equation logic * @type {WaveShaperNode} * @private */ this._operator = this.context.createWaveShaper(); //connect it up this.chain(this.input, this._div, this._operator); this._makeCurve(val); }; Tone.extend(ModuloSubroutine); /** * make the operator curve * @param {number} val * @private */ ModuloSubroutine.prototype._makeCurve = function(val){ var arrayLength = Math.pow(2, 16); var curve = new Float32Array(arrayLength); for (var i = 0; i < curve.length; i++) { if (i === arrayLength - 1){ curve[i] = -val; } else if (i === 0){ curve[i] = val; } else { curve[i] = 0; } } this._operator.curve = curve; }; /** * @override the default connection to connect the operator and the input to the next node * @private */ ModuloSubroutine.prototype.connect = function(node){ this._operator.connect(node); this.input.connect(node); }; /** * internal class clean up */ ModuloSubroutine.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._div.dispose(); this._operator.disconnect(); this._div = null; this._operator = null; }; return Tone.Modulo; });