define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/component/Filter", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Split the incoming signal into three bands (low, mid, high) * with two crossover frequency controls. * * @extends {Tone} * @constructor * @param {number} lowFrequency the low/mid crossover frequency * @param {number} highFrequency the mid/high crossover frequency */ Tone.MultibandSplit = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["lowFrequency", "highFrequency"], Tone.MultibandSplit.defaults); /** * the input * @type {GainNode} */ this.input = this.context.createGain(); /** * the outputs * @type {Array} */ this.output = new Array(3); /** * the low band * @type {Tone.Filter} */ this.low = this.output[0] = new Tone.Filter(0, "lowpass"); /** * the lower filter of the mid band * @type {Tone.Filter} * @private */ this._lowMidFilter = new Tone.Filter(0, "highpass"); /** * the mid band * @type {Tone.Filter} */ this.mid = this.output[1] = new Tone.Filter(0, "lowpass"); /** * the high band * @type {Tone.Filter} */ this.high = this.output[2] = new Tone.Filter(0, "highpass"); /** * the low/mid crossover frequency * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.lowFrequency = new Tone.Signal(options.lowFrequency); /** * the mid/high crossover frequency * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.highFrequency = new Tone.Signal(options.highFrequency);, this.low, this.high); this.chain(this.input, this._lowMidFilter, this.mid); //the frequency control signal this.lowFrequency.connect(this.low.frequency); this.lowFrequency.connect(this._lowMidFilter.frequency); this.highFrequency.connect(this.mid.frequency); this.highFrequency.connect(this.high.frequency); }; Tone.extend(Tone.MultibandSplit); /** * @private * @static * @type {Object} */ Tone.MultibandSplit.defaults = { "lowFrequency" : 400, "highFrequency" : 2500 }; /** * clean up */ Tone.MultibandSplit.prototype.dispose = function(){; this.low.dispose(); this._lowMidFilter.dispose(); this.mid.dispose(); this.high.dispose(); this.lowFrequency.dispose(); this.highFrequency.dispose(); this.low = null; this._lowMidFilter = null; this.mid = null; this.high = null; this.lowFrequency = null; this.highFrequency = null; }; return Tone.MultibandSplit; });