import { BasicTests } from "../../test/helper/Basic.js"; import { MonoSynth } from "./MonoSynth.js"; import { InstrumentTest } from "../../test/helper/InstrumentTests.js"; import { CompareToFile } from "../../test/helper/CompareToFile.js"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { Offline } from "../../test/helper/Offline.js"; describe("MonoSynth", () => { BasicTests(MonoSynth); InstrumentTest(MonoSynth, "C4"); it("matches a file", () => { return CompareToFile( () => { const synth = new MonoSynth().toDestination(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.1, 0.05); }, "monoSynth.wav", 0.01 ); }); context("API", () => { it("can get and set oscillator attributes", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth(); monoSynth.oscillator.type = "triangle"; expect(monoSynth.oscillator.type).to.equal("triangle"); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("can get and set envelope attributes", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth(); monoSynth.envelope.attack = 0.24; expect(monoSynth.envelope.attack).to.equal(0.24); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("can get and set filter attributes", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth(); monoSynth.filter.Q.value = 0.4; expect(monoSynth.filter.Q.value), 0.001); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("can get and set filterEnvelope attributes", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth(); monoSynth.filterEnvelope.baseFrequency = 400; expect(monoSynth.filterEnvelope.baseFrequency).to.equal(400); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an options object", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth({ envelope: { sustain: 0.3, }, }); expect(monoSynth.envelope.sustain).to.equal(0.3); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("can get/set attributes", () => { const monoSynth = new MonoSynth(); monoSynth.set({ envelope: { decay: 0.24, }, }); expect(monoSynth.get().envelope.decay).to.equal(0.24); monoSynth.dispose(); }); it("is silent after triggerAttack if sustain is 0", async () => { return await Offline(() => { const synth = new MonoSynth({ envelope: { attack: 0.1, decay: 0.1, sustain: 0, }, }).toDestination(); synth.triggerAttack("C4", 0); }, 0.5).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getTimeOfLastSound()), 0.01); }); }); }); });