define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Player", "Tone/component/AmplitudeEnvelope", "Tone/component/ScaledEnvelope", "Tone/component/Filter", "Tone/instrument/Instrument"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class A sampler instrument which plays an audio buffer * through an amplitude envelope and a filter envelope. The sampler takes * an Object in the constructor which maps a sample name to the URL * of the sample. Nested Objects will be flattened and can be accessed using * a dot notation (see the example). * * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Instrument} * @param {Object|string} urls the urls of the audio file * @param {Object} [options] the options object for the synth * @example * var sampler = new Sampler({ * A : { * 1 : "./audio/casio/A1.mp3", * 2 : "./audio/casio/A2.mp3", * }, * "B.1" : "./audio/casio/B1.mp3", * }).toMaster(); * * //listen for when all the samples have loaded * Tone.Buffer.onload = function(){ * sampler.triggerAttack("A.1", time, velocity); * }; */ Tone.Sampler = function(urls, options){ options = this.defaultArg(options, Tone.Sampler.defaults);, options); /** * The sample player. * @type {Tone.Player} */ this.player = new Tone.Player(options.player); this.player.retrigger = true; /** * the buffers * @type {Object} * @private */ this._buffers = {}; /** * The amplitude envelope. * @type {Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope} */ this.envelope = new Tone.AmplitudeEnvelope(options.envelope); /** * The filter envelope. * @type {Tone.ScaledEnvelope} */ this.filterEnvelope = new Tone.ScaledEnvelope(options.filterEnvelope); /** * The name of the current sample. * @type {string} * @private */ this._sample = options.sample; /** * the private reference to the pitch * @type {number} * @private */ this._pitch = options.pitch; /** * The filter. * @type {Tone.Filter} */ this.filter = new Tone.Filter(options.filter); //connections / setup this._loadBuffers(urls); this.pitch = options.pitch; this.player.chain(this.filter, this.envelope, this.output); this.filterEnvelope.connect(this.filter.frequency); this._readOnly(["player", "filterEnvelope", "envelope", "filter"]); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Sampler, Tone.Instrument); /** * the default parameters * @static */ Tone.Sampler.defaults = { "sample" : 0, "pitch" : 0, "player" : { "loop" : false, }, "envelope" : { "attack" : 0.001, "decay" : 0, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.1 }, "filterEnvelope" : { "attack" : 0.001, "decay" : 0.001, "sustain" : 1, "release" : 0.5, "min" : 20, "max" : 20000, "exponent" : 2, }, "filter" : { "type" : "lowpass" } }; /** * load the buffers * @param {Object} urls the urls * @private */ Tone.Sampler.prototype._loadBuffers = function(urls){ if (this.isString(urls)){ this._buffers["0"] = new Tone.Buffer(urls, function(){ this.sample = "0"; }.bind(this)); } else { urls = this._flattenUrls(urls); for (var buffName in urls){ this._sample = buffName; var urlString = urls[buffName]; this._buffers[buffName] = new Tone.Buffer(urlString); } } }; /** * Flatten an object into a single depth object. * thanks to * @param {Object} ob * @return {Object} * @private */ Tone.Sampler.prototype._flattenUrls = function(ob) { var toReturn = {}; for (var i in ob) { if (!ob.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (this.isObject(ob[i])) { var flatObject = this._flattenUrls(ob[i]); for (var x in flatObject) { if (!flatObject.hasOwnProperty(x)) continue; toReturn[i + "." + x] = flatObject[x]; } } else { toReturn[i] = ob[i]; } } return toReturn; }; /** * Start the sample and simultaneously trigger the envelopes. * @param {string=} sample The name of the sample to trigger, defaults to * the last sample used. * @param {Time} [time=now] The time when the sample should start * @param {number} [velocity=1] The velocity of the note * @returns {Tone.Sampler} this * @example * sampler.triggerAttack("B.1"); */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.triggerAttack = function(name, time, velocity){ time = this.toSeconds(time); if (name){ this.sample = name; } this.player.start(time); this.envelope.triggerAttack(time, velocity); this.filterEnvelope.triggerAttack(time); return this; }; /** * Start the release portion of the sample. Will stop the sample once the * envelope has fully released. * * @param {Time} [time=now] The time when the note should release * @returns {Tone.Sampler} this * @example * sampler.triggerRelease(); */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.triggerRelease = function(time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); this.filterEnvelope.triggerRelease(time); this.envelope.triggerRelease(time); this.player.stop(this.toSeconds(this.envelope.release) + time); return this; }; /** * The name of the sample to trigger. * @memberOf Tone.Sampler# * @type {number|string} * @name sample * @example * //set the sample to "A.2" for next time the sample is triggered * sampler.sample = "A.2"; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Sampler.prototype, "sample", { get : function(){ return this._sample; }, set : function(name){ if (this._buffers.hasOwnProperty(name)){ this._sample = name; this.player.buffer = this._buffers[name]; } else { throw new Error("Sampler does not have a sample named "+name); } } }); /** * The direction the buffer should play in * @memberOf Tone.Sampler# * @type {boolean} * @name reverse */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Sampler.prototype, "reverse", { get : function(){ for (var i in this._buffers){ return this._buffers[i].reverse; } }, set : function(rev){ for (var i in this._buffers){ this._buffers[i].reverse = rev; } } }); /** * Repitch the sampled note by some interval (measured * in semi-tones). * @memberOf Tone.Sampler# * @type {Interval} * @name pitch * @example * sampler.pitch = -12; //down one octave * sampler.pitch = 7; //up a fifth */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Sampler.prototype, "pitch", { get : function(){ return this._pitch; }, set : function(interval){ this._pitch = interval; this.player.playbackRate = this.intervalToFrequencyRatio(interval); } }); /** * Clean up. * @returns {Tone.Sampler} this */ Tone.Sampler.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._writable(["player", "filterEnvelope", "envelope", "filter"]); this.player.dispose(); this.filterEnvelope.dispose(); this.envelope.dispose(); this.filter.dispose(); this.player = null; this.filterEnvelope = null; this.envelope = null; this.filter = null; for (var sample in this._buffers){ this._buffers[sample].dispose(); this._buffers[sample] = null; } this._buffers = null; return this; }; return Tone.Sampler; });