import { Seconds } from "../type/Units"; export type TickerClockSource = "worker" | "timeout" | "offline"; /** * A class which provides a reliable callback using either * a Web Worker, or if that isn't supported, falls back to setTimeout. */ export class Ticker { /** * Either "worker" or "timeout" or "offline" */ private _type: TickerClockSource; /** * The update interval of the worker */ private _updateInterval!: Seconds; /** * The lowest allowable interval, preferably calculated from context sampleRate */ private _minimumUpdateInterval: Seconds; /** * The callback to invoke at regular intervals */ private _callback: () => void; /** * track the callback interval */ private _timeout!: ReturnType; /** * private reference to the worker */ private _worker!: Worker; constructor(callback: () => void, type: TickerClockSource, updateInterval: Seconds, contextSampleRate?: number) { this._callback = callback; this._type = type; this._minimumUpdateInterval = Math.max( 128/(contextSampleRate || 44100), .001 ); this.updateInterval = updateInterval; // create the clock source for the first time this._createClock(); } /** * Generate a web worker */ private _createWorker(): void { const blob = new Blob([ /* javascript */` // the initial timeout time let timeoutTime = ${(this._updateInterval * 1000).toFixed(1)}; // onmessage callback self.onmessage = function(msg){ timeoutTime = parseInt(; }; // the tick function which posts a message // and schedules a new tick function tick(){ setTimeout(tick, timeoutTime); self.postMessage('tick'); } // call tick initially tick(); ` ], { type: "text/javascript" }); const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const worker = new Worker(blobUrl); worker.onmessage = this._callback.bind(this); this._worker = worker; } /** * Create a timeout loop */ private _createTimeout(): void { this._timeout = setTimeout(() => { this._createTimeout(); this._callback(); }, this._updateInterval * 1000); } /** * Create the clock source. */ private _createClock(): void { if (this._type === "worker") { try { this._createWorker(); } catch (e) { // workers not supported, fallback to timeout this._type = "timeout"; this._createClock(); } } else if (this._type === "timeout") { this._createTimeout(); } } /** * Clean up the current clock source */ private _disposeClock(): void { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); } if (this._worker) { this._worker.terminate(); this._worker.onmessage = null; } } /** * The rate in seconds the ticker will update */ get updateInterval(): Seconds { return this._updateInterval; } set updateInterval(interval: Seconds) { this._updateInterval = Math.max(interval, this._minimumUpdateInterval); if (this._type === "worker") { this._worker?.postMessage(this._updateInterval * 1000); } } /** * The type of the ticker, either a worker or a timeout */ get type(): TickerClockSource { return this._type; } set type(type: TickerClockSource) { this._disposeClock(); this._type = type; this._createClock(); } /** * Clean up */ dispose(): void { this._disposeClock(); } }