define(["Test", "Tone/core/Master", "Tone/core/Tone", "Offline", "PassAudio"], function (Test, Master, Tone, Offline, PassAudio) { describe("Master", function(){ it ("exists", function(){ expect(Tone.Master).to.exist; }); it ("provides a toMaster method", function(){ expect(Tone.prototype.toMaster).is.a("function"); expect(AudioNode.prototype.toMaster).is.a("function"); }); it ("can be muted and unmuted", function(){ Tone.Master.mute = false; expect(Tone.Master.mute); Tone.Master.mute = true; expect(Tone.Master.mute); }); it ("passes audio through", function(done){ PassAudio(function(input){ input.toMaster(); }, done); }); it ("passes no audio when muted", function(done){ var offline = new Offline(); offline.before(function(){ Tone.Master.mute = true; }); offline.test(function(sample){ expect(sample).to.equal(0); }); offline.after(done);; }); it ("has a master volume control", function(){ Tone.Master.volume.value = -20; expect(Tone.Master.volume.value), 0.1); }); it ("can pass audio through chained nodes", function(done){ var gain; PassAudio(function(input){ gain = Tone.context.createGain(); input.connect(gain); Tone.Master.chain(gain); }, function(){ gain.disconnect(); done(); }); }); }); });