define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Transport", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/source/Source"], function(Tone){ /** * Oscillator * * Oscilator with start, pause, stop and sync to Transport * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {number|string=} freq starting frequency * @param {string=} type type of oscillator (sine|square|triangle|sawtooth) */ Tone.Oscillator = function(freq, type){; /** * the main oscillator * @type {OscillatorNode} */ this.oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); /** * the frequency control signal * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.frequency = new Tone.Signal(this.defaultArg(this.toFrequency(freq), 440)); /** * @type {function()} */ this.onended = function(){}; //connections this.oscillator.connect(this.output); //setup this.oscillator.type = this.defaultArg(type, "sine"); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Oscillator, Tone.Source); /** * start the oscillator * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.start = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; //get previous values var type = this.oscillator.type; var detune = this.oscillator.frequency.value; //new oscillator with previous values this.oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); this.oscillator.type = type; this.oscillator.detune.value = detune; //connect the control signal to the oscillator frequency this.oscillator.connect(this.output); this.frequency.connect(this.oscillator.frequency); this.oscillator.frequency.value = 0; //start the oscillator this.oscillator.start(this.toSeconds(time)); this.oscillator.onended = this._onended.bind(this); } }; /** * stop the oscillator * @param {Tone.Time=} time (optional) timing parameter */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED){ if (!time){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; } this.oscillator.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); } }; /** * Sync the oscillator to the transport * * the current ratio between the oscillator and the Transport BPM * is fixed and any change to the Transport BPM will change this * oscillator in that same ratio * * Transport start/pause/stop will also start/pause/stop the oscillator */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.sync = function(){ if (this.state !== Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.SYNCED; Tone.Transport.sync(this); Tone.Transport.syncSignal(this.frequency); } }; /** * unsync the oscillator from the Transport */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.unsync = function(){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ Tone.Transport.unsync(this); this.frequency.unsync(); } }; /** * exponentially ramp the frequency of the oscillator over the rampTime * * @param {Tone.Time} val * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime when the oscillator will arrive at the frequency */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.setFrequency = function(val, rampTime){ if (rampTime){ this.frequency.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.toFrequency(val), this.toSeconds(rampTime)); } else { this.frequency.setValue(this.toFrequency(val)); } }; /** * set the oscillator type * * @param {string} type (sine|square|triangle|sawtooth) */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.setType = function(type){ this.oscillator.type = type; }; /** * internal on end call * @private */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype._onended = function(){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; this.onended(); }; /** * dispose and disconnect */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.dispose = function(){ if (this.oscillator !== null){ this.oscillator.disconnect(); this.oscillator = null; } this.frequency.dispose(); this.frequency = null; this.output.disconnect(); this.output = null; }; return Tone.Oscillator; });