import { expect } from "chai"; import { BasicTests } from "../../../test/helper/Basic.js"; import { Noise } from "../../source/Noise.js"; import { FFT } from "./FFT.js"; describe("FFT", () => { BasicTests(FFT); it("can get and set properties", () => { const fft = new FFT(); fft.set({ size: 128, smoothing: 0.4, }); const values = fft.get(); expect(values.size).to.equal(128); expect(values.smoothing).to.equal(0.4); fft.dispose(); }); it("can correctly set the size", () => { const fft = new FFT(512); expect(fft.size).to.equal(512); fft.size = 1024; expect(fft.size).to.equal(1024); fft.dispose(); }); it("can set the smoothing", () => { const fft = new FFT(512); fft.smoothing = 0.2; expect(fft.smoothing).to.equal(0.2); fft.dispose(); }); it("can get the frequency values of each index of the return array", () => { const fft = new FFT(32); expect(fft.getFrequencyOfIndex(0)), 1); expect(fft.getFrequencyOfIndex(16)) fft.context.sampleRate / 4, 1 ); fft.dispose(); }); it("can run waveform analysis", (done) => { const noise = new Noise(); const fft = new FFT(256); noise.connect(fft); noise.start(); setTimeout(() => { const analysis = fft.getValue(); expect(analysis.length).to.equal(256); analysis.forEach((value) => { expect(value).is.within(-Infinity, 0); }); fft.dispose(); noise.dispose(); done(); }, 300); }); it("outputs a normal range", (done) => { const noise = new Noise(); const fft = new FFT({ normalRange: true, }); noise.connect(fft); noise.start(); setTimeout(() => { const analysis = fft.getValue(); analysis.forEach((value) => { expect(value).is.within(0, 1); }); fft.dispose(); noise.dispose(); done(); }, 300); }); });