import PolySynth from "Tone/instrument/PolySynth"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; import InstrumentTests from "helper/InstrumentTests"; import OutputAudioStereo from "helper/OutputAudioStereo"; import Instrument from "Tone/instrument/Instrument"; import Test from "helper/Test"; import OutputAudio from "helper/OutputAudio"; import MonoSynth from "Tone/instrument/MonoSynth"; import Offline from "helper/Offline"; import Sampler from "Tone/instrument/Sampler"; import Frequency from "Tone/type/Frequency"; import CompareToFile from "helper/CompareToFile"; describe("PolySynth", function(){ Basic(PolySynth); InstrumentTests(PolySynth, "C4"); it("matches a file", function(){ return CompareToFile(function(){ var synth = new PolySynth(2).toMaster(); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.2, 0); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.1, 0.1); synth.triggerAttackRelease("E4", 0.1, 0.2); synth.triggerAttackRelease("E4", 0.1, 0.3); synth.triggerAttackRelease("G4", 0.1, 0.4); synth.triggerAttackRelease("B4", 0.1, 0.4); synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", 0.2, 0.5); }, "polySynth.wav", 0.5); }); it("matches another file", function(){ return CompareToFile(function(){ var synth = new PolySynth(4).toMaster(); synth.triggerAttackRelease(["C4", "E4", "G4", "B4"], 0.2, 0); synth.triggerAttackRelease(["C4", "E4", "G4", "B4"], 0.2, 0.3); }, "polySynth2.wav", 0.6); }); it("matches a file and chooses the right voice", function(){ return CompareToFile(function(){ var synth = new PolySynth(3).toMaster(); synth.triggerAttackRelease(["C4", "E4"], 1, 0); synth.triggerAttackRelease("G4", 0.1, 0.2); synth.triggerAttackRelease("B4", 0.1, 0.4); synth.triggerAttackRelease("G4", 0.1, 0.6); }, "polySynth3.wav", 0.5); }); context("PolySynth Tests", function(){ it("extends Tone.Instrument", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(); expect(polySynth); polySynth.dispose(); }); it("can connect the output", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(); polySynth.connect(Test); polySynth.dispose(); }); it("can be trigged with an array of Tone.Frequency", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(2); polySynth.toMaster(); polySynth.triggerAttackRelease(Frequency("C4").harmonize([0, 2]), 0.1, 0); }); }); it("triggerAttackRelease can take an array of durations", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(2); polySynth.toMaster(); polySynth.triggerAttackRelease(["C4", "D4"], [0.1, 0.2]); }); }); it("triggerAttack and triggerRelease can be invoked without arrays", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(2); polySynth.set("envelope.release", 0.1); polySynth.toMaster(); polySynth.triggerAttack("C4", 0); polySynth.triggerRelease("C4", 0.1); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.01); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.2)), 0.01); }); }); it("can stop all of the currently playing sounds", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(4); polySynth.set("envelope.release", 0.1); polySynth.toMaster(); polySynth.triggerAttack(["C4", "E4", "G4", "B4"], 0); polySynth.releaseAll(0.1); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.01); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.2)), 0.01); }); }); it("is silent before being triggered", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(2); polySynth.toMaster(); }).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.isSilent()); }); }); it("can be scheduled to start in the future", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(2); polySynth.toMaster(); polySynth.triggerAttack("C4", 0.1); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.01); }); }); }); context("API", function(){ it("can be constructed with an options object", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(4, MonoSynth, { "envelope" : { "sustain" : 0.3 } }); expect(polySynth.get().envelope.sustain).to.equal(0.3); polySynth.dispose(); }); it("throws an error if voice type is not Monophonic", function(){ expect(function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(4, Sampler); }).to.throw(Error); }); it("can be set the detune", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(); polySynth.detune.value = -1200; expect(polySynth.detune.value).to.equal(-1200); polySynth.dispose(); }); it("can pass in the volume and detune", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth({ "volume" : -12, "detune" : 120, }); expect(polySynth.volume.value), 0.1); expect(polySynth.detune.value), 1); polySynth.dispose(); }); it("can get/set attributes", function(){ var polySynth = new PolySynth(); polySynth.set({ "envelope.decay" : 0.24 }); expect(polySynth.get().envelope.decay).to.equal(0.24); polySynth.dispose(); }); }); });