define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Transport", "Tone/type/Type", "Tone/core/TimelineState"], function (Tone) { "use strict"; /** * @class Tone.Event abstracts away Tone.Transport.schedule and provides a schedulable * callback for a single or repeatable events along the timeline. * * @extends {Tone} * @param {function} callback The callback to invoke at the time. * @param {*} value The value or values which should be passed to * the callback function on invocation. * @example * var chord = new Tone.Event(function(time, chord){ * //the chord as well as the exact time of the event * //are passed in as arguments to the callback function * }, ["D4", "E4", "F4"]); * //start the chord at the beginning of the transport timeline * chord.start(); * //loop it every measure for 8 measures * chord.loop = 8; * chord.loopEnd = "1m"; */ Tone.Event = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["callback", "value"], Tone.Event.defaults); /** * Loop value * @type {Boolean|Positive} * @private */ this._loop = options.loop; /** * The callback to invoke. * @type {Function} */ this.callback = options.callback; /** * The value which is passed to the * callback function. * @type {*} * @private */ this.value = options.value; /** * When the note is scheduled to start. * @type {Number} * @private */ this._loopStart = this.toTicks(options.loopStart); /** * When the note is scheduled to start. * @type {Number} * @private */ this._loopEnd = this.toTicks(options.loopEnd); /** * Tracks the scheduled events * @type {Tone.TimelineState} * @private */ this._state = new Tone.TimelineState(Tone.State.Stopped); /** * The playback speed of the note. A speed of 1 * is no change. * @private * @type {Positive} */ this._playbackRate = 1; /** * A delay time from when the event is scheduled to start * @type {Ticks} * @private */ this._startOffset = 0; /** * The probability that the callback will be invoked * at the scheduled time. * @type {NormalRange} * @example * //the callback will be invoked 50% of the time * event.probability = 0.5; */ this.probability = options.probability; /** * If set to true, will apply small (+/-0.02 seconds) random variation * to the callback time. If the value is given as a time, it will randomize * by that amount. * @example * event.humanize = true; * @type {Boolean|Time} */ this.humanize = options.humanize; /** * If mute is true, the callback won't be * invoked. * @type {Boolean} */ this.mute = options.mute; //set the initial values this.playbackRate = options.playbackRate; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Event); /** * The default values * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.Event.defaults = { "callback" : Tone.noOp, "loop" : false, "loopEnd" : "1m", "loopStart" : 0, "playbackRate" : 1, "value" : null, "probability" : 1, "mute" : false, "humanize" : false, }; /** * Reschedule all of the events along the timeline * with the updated values. * @param {Time} after Only reschedules events after the given time. * @return {Tone.Event} this * @private */ Tone.Event.prototype._rescheduleEvents = function(after){ //if no argument is given, schedules all of the events after = this.defaultArg(after, -1); this._state.forEachFrom(after, function(event){ var duration; if (event.state === Tone.State.Started){ if (!this.isUndef({ Tone.Transport.clear(; } var startTick = event.time + Math.round(this.startOffset / this._playbackRate); if (this._loop){ duration = Infinity; if (this.isNumber(this._loop)){ duration = (this._loop) * this._getLoopDuration(); } var nextEvent = this._state.getEventAfter(startTick); if (nextEvent !== null){ duration = Math.min(duration, nextEvent.time - startTick); } if (duration !== Infinity){ //schedule a stop since it's finite duration this._state.setStateAtTime(Tone.State.Stopped, startTick + duration + 1); duration = Tone.Time(duration, "i"); } var interval = Tone.Time(this._getLoopDuration(), "i"); = Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat(this._tick.bind(this), interval, Tone.TransportTime(startTick, "i"), duration); } else { = Tone.Transport.schedule(this._tick.bind(this), startTick + "i"); } } }.bind(this)); return this; }; /** * Returns the playback state of the note, either "started" or "stopped". * @type {String} * @readOnly * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @name state */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "state", { get : function(){ return this._state.getStateAtTime(Tone.Transport.ticks); } }); /** * The start from the scheduled start time * @type {Ticks} * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @name startOffset * @private */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "startOffset", { get : function(){ return this._startOffset; }, set : function(offset){ this._startOffset = offset; } }); /** * Start the note at the given time. * @param {TimelinePosition} time When the note should start. * @return {Tone.Event} this */ Tone.Event.prototype.start = function(time){ time = this.toTicks(time); if (this._state.getStateAtTime(time) === Tone.State.Stopped){ this._state.addEvent({ "state" : Tone.State.Started, "time" : time, "id" : undefined, }); this._rescheduleEvents(time); } return this; }; /** * Stop the Event at the given time. * @param {TimelinePosition} time When the note should stop. * @return {Tone.Event} this */ Tone.Event.prototype.stop = function(time){ this.cancel(time); time = this.toTicks(time); if (this._state.getStateAtTime(time) === Tone.State.Started){ this._state.setStateAtTime(Tone.State.Stopped, time); var previousEvent = this._state.getEventBefore(time); var reschedulTime = time; if (previousEvent !== null){ reschedulTime = previousEvent.time; } this._rescheduleEvents(reschedulTime); } return this; }; /** * Cancel all scheduled events greater than or equal to the given time * @param {TimelinePosition} [time=0] The time after which events will be cancel. * @return {Tone.Event} this */ Tone.Event.prototype.cancel = function(time){ time = this.defaultArg(time, -Infinity); time = this.toTicks(time); this._state.forEachFrom(time, function(event){ Tone.Transport.clear(; }); this._state.cancel(time); return this; }; /** * The callback function invoker. Also * checks if the Event is done playing * @param {Number} time The time of the event in seconds * @private */ Tone.Event.prototype._tick = function(time){ if (!this.mute && this._state.getStateAtTime(Tone.Transport.ticks) === Tone.State.Started){ if (this.probability < 1 && Math.random() > this.probability){ return; } if (this.humanize){ var variation = 0.02; if (!this.isBoolean(this.humanize)){ variation = this.toSeconds(this.humanize); } time += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * variation; } this.callback(time, this.value); } }; /** * Get the duration of the loop. * @return {Ticks} * @private */ Tone.Event.prototype._getLoopDuration = function(){ return Math.round((this._loopEnd - this._loopStart) / this._playbackRate); }; /** * If the note should loop or not * between Tone.Event.loopStart and * Tone.Event.loopEnd. An integer * value corresponds to the number of * loops the Event does after it starts. * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @type {Boolean|Positive} * @name loop */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "loop", { get : function(){ return this._loop; }, set : function(loop){ this._loop = loop; this._rescheduleEvents(); } }); /** * The playback rate of the note. Defaults to 1. * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @type {Positive} * @name playbackRate * @example * note.loop = true; * //repeat the note twice as fast * note.playbackRate = 2; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "playbackRate", { get : function(){ return this._playbackRate; }, set : function(rate){ this._playbackRate = rate; this._rescheduleEvents(); } }); /** * The loopEnd point is the time the event will loop * if Tone.Event.loop is true. * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @type {TransportTime} * @name loopEnd */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "loopEnd", { get : function(){ return Tone.TransportTime(this._loopEnd, "i").toNotation(); }, set : function(loopEnd){ this._loopEnd = this.toTicks(loopEnd); if (this._loop){ this._rescheduleEvents(); } } }); /** * The time when the loop should start. * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @type {TransportTime} * @name loopStart */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "loopStart", { get : function(){ return Tone.TransportTime(this._loopStart, "i").toNotation(); }, set : function(loopStart){ this._loopStart = this.toTicks(loopStart); if (this._loop){ this._rescheduleEvents(); } } }); /** * The current progress of the loop interval. * Returns 0 if the event is not started yet or * it is not set to loop. * @memberOf Tone.Event# * @type {NormalRange} * @name progress * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Event.prototype, "progress", { get : function(){ if (this._loop){ var ticks = Tone.Transport.ticks; var lastEvent = this._state.getEvent(ticks); if (lastEvent !== null && lastEvent.state === Tone.State.Started){ var loopDuration = this._getLoopDuration(); var progress = (ticks - lastEvent.time) % loopDuration; return progress / loopDuration; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } }); /** * Clean up * @return {Tone.Event} this */ Tone.Event.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.cancel(); this._state.dispose(); this._state = null; this.callback = null; this.value = null; }; return Tone.Event; });