import { Cents, Degrees, Frequency, Time } from "../../core/type/Units"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../../core/util/Defaults"; import { readOnly } from "../../core/util/Interface"; import { Multiply } from "../../signal/Multiply"; import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal"; import { Source } from "../Source"; import { Oscillator } from "./Oscillator"; import { PWMOscillatorOptions, ToneOscillatorInterface } from "./OscillatorInterface"; import { PulseOscillator } from "./PulseOscillator"; export { PWMOscillatorOptions } from "./OscillatorInterface"; /** * PWMOscillator modulates the width of a Tone.PulseOscillator * at the modulationFrequency. This has the effect of continuously * changing the timbre of the oscillator by altering the harmonics * generated. * @example * var pwm = new PWMOscillator("Ab3", 0.3).toDestination().start(); */ export class PWMOscillator extends Source implements ToneOscillatorInterface { readonly name = "PWMOscillator"; readonly sourceType = "pwm"; /** * the pulse oscillator */ private _pulse: PulseOscillator; /** * the modulator */ private _modulator: Oscillator; /** * Scale the oscillator so it doesn't go silent * at the extreme values. */ private _scale: Multiply = new Multiply({ context: this.context, value: 2, }); /** * The frequency control. */ readonly frequency: Signal; /** * The detune of the oscillator. */ readonly detune: Signal; /** * The modulation rate of the oscillator. */ readonly modulationFrequency: Signal; /** * @param {Frequency} frequency The starting frequency of the oscillator. * @param {Frequency} modulationFrequency The modulation frequency of the width of the pulse. */ constructor(frequency?: Frequency, modulationFrequency?: Frequency); constructor(options?: Partial); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(PWMOscillator.getDefaults(), arguments, ["frequency", "modulationFrequency"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(PWMOscillator.getDefaults(), arguments, ["frequency", "modulationFrequency"]); this._pulse = new PulseOscillator({ context: this.context, frequency: options.modulationFrequency, }); // change the pulse oscillator type // @ts-ignore this._pulse._sawtooth.type = "sine"; this.modulationFrequency = this._pulse.frequency; this._modulator = new Oscillator({ context: this.context, detune: options.detune, frequency: options.frequency, onstop: () => this.onstop(this), phase: options.phase, }); this.frequency = this._modulator.frequency; this.detune = this._modulator.detune; // connections this._modulator.chain(this._scale, this._pulse.width); this._pulse.connect(this.output); readOnly(this, ["modulationFrequency", "frequency", "detune"]); } static getDefaults(): PWMOscillatorOptions { return Object.assign(Source.getDefaults(), { detune: 0, frequency: 440, modulationFrequency: 0.4, phase: 0, type: "pwm" as "pwm", }); } /** * start the oscillator */ protected _start(time: Time): void { time = this.toSeconds(time); this._modulator.start(time); this._pulse.start(time); } /** * stop the oscillator */ protected _stop(time: Time): void { time = this.toSeconds(time); this._modulator.stop(time); this._pulse.stop(time); } /** * restart the oscillator */ restart(time?: Time): this { this._modulator.restart(time); this._pulse.restart(time); return this; } /** * The type of the oscillator. Always returns "pwm". */ get type(): "pwm" { return "pwm"; } /** * The baseType of the oscillator. Always returns "pwm". */ get baseType(): "pwm" { return "pwm"; } /** * The partials of the waveform. Cannot set partials for this waveform type */ get partials(): number[] { return []; } /** * No partials for this waveform type. */ get partialCount(): number { return 0; } /** * The phase of the oscillator in degrees. */ get phase(): Degrees { return this._modulator.phase; } set phase(phase: Degrees) { this._modulator.phase = phase; } /** * Clean up. */ dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._pulse.dispose(); this._scale.dispose(); this._modulator.dispose(); return this; } }