/* global it, describe, after, maxTimeout, beforeEach */ define(["chai", "Tone/source/Player", "Tone/core/Master", "Tone/source/Oscillator", "Tone/component/Recorder", "Tone/source/Noise", "tests/Core", "Tone/source/PulseOscillator", "tests/Common", "Tone/source/PWMOscillator", "Tone/source/OmniOscillator", "Tone/source/Microphone"], function(chai, Player, Master, Oscillator, Recorder, Noise, core, PulseOscillator, Test, PWMOscillator, OmniOscillator, Microphone){ var expect = chai.expect; describe("Tone.Player", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var p = new Player(); p.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(p); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var p = new Player(); Test.acceptsOutput(p); p.dispose(); }); it("loads a file", function(done){ var player = new Player("./testAudio/kick.mp3", function(){ player.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("has a duration", function(done){ var player = new Player("./testAudio/kick.mp3", function(){ expect(player.duration).to.be.closeTo(0.23, 0.01); player.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("invokes a callback onend", function(done){ var player = new Player("./testAudio/kick.mp3", function(){ player.start(); expect(player.state).to.equal("started"); }); player.onended = function(){ expect(player.state).to.equal("stopped"); player.dispose(); done(); }; player.toMaster(); }); it("can handle multiple restarts", function(done){ var player = new Player("./testAudio/kick.mp3", function(){ expect(player.state).to.equal("stopped"); player.start(); player.start(); player.stop(); player.stop(); expect(player.state).to.equal("stopped"); player.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(done){ var player = new Player({ "url" : "./testAudio/kick.mp3", "onload" : function(pl){ expect(pl).to.equal(player); expect(player.loop).to.be.true; player.dispose(); done(); }, "loop" : true }); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var player = new Player(); expect(player.loop).to.be.false; expect(player.loopStart).to.equal(0); player.set({ "loop" : true, "loopStart" : 0.4 }); expect(player.loop).to.be.true; expect(player.loopStart).to.equal(0.4); player.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.Oscillator", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var o = new Oscillator(); o.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(o); }); it("outputs a sound", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new Oscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var osc = new Oscillator(); Test.acceptsOutput(osc); osc.dispose(); }); it("starts and stops", function(done){ var oscillator = new Oscillator(); expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("stopped"); oscillator.start(); expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("started"); setTimeout(function(){ oscillator.stop(); oscillator.dispose(); done(); }, 100); }); it("can be scheduled to stop", function(done){ var oscillator = new Oscillator(); expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("stopped"); oscillator.start(); oscillator.stop("+0.05"); setTimeout(function(){ // expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("stopped"); oscillator.dispose(); done(); }, 200); }); it("won't start again before stopping", function(){ var oscillator = new Oscillator(); expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("stopped"); oscillator.start(); oscillator.start(); oscillator.stop(); oscillator.stop(); expect(oscillator.state).to.equal("stopped"); oscillator.dispose(); }); it("invokes the onended callback on stop", function(done){ var oscillator = new Oscillator(); oscillator.toMaster(); oscillator.onended = function(){ oscillator.dispose(); done(); }; oscillator.start(); oscillator.stop("+0.2"); }); it("be scheduled to start in the future", function(done){ var osc; Test.offlineTest(1, function(dest){ osc = new Oscillator(440); osc.connect(dest); osc.start("+0.1"); }, function(sample, time){ if (sample !== 0){ expect(time).to.be.at.least(0.1); } }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can set the frequency", function(){ var oscillator = new Oscillator(); oscillator.setFrequency(110); expect(oscillator.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(110); oscillator.start(); oscillator.setFrequency(220); expect(oscillator.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(220); oscillator.dispose(); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(){ var osc = new Oscillator({ "frequency" : 200, "detune" : -20 }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(200); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-20); osc.dispose(); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var osc = new Oscillator(); osc.set({ "frequency" : 231, "detune" : -21, "type" : "square" }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(231); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-21); expect(osc.getType()).to.equal("square"); osc.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.Noise", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var n = new Noise(); n.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(n); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var n = new Noise(); Test.acceptsOutput(n); n.dispose(); }); it("outputs a sound", function(done){ var noise; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ noise = new Noise(); noise.connect(dest); noise.start(); }, function(){ noise.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("starts and stops", function(done){ var noise = new Noise(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("stopped"); noise.start(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("started"); setTimeout(function(){ noise.stop(); noise.dispose(); done(); }, 100); }); it("invokes the onended callback on stop", function(done){ var noise = new Noise(); noise.toMaster(); noise.onended = function(){ noise.dispose(); done(); }; noise.start(); noise.stop("+0.2"); }); it("can be scheduled to stop", function(done){ var noise = new Noise(); noise.toMaster(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("stopped"); noise.start(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("started"); noise.stop("+0.05"); setTimeout(function(){ expect(noise.state).to.equal("stopped"); noise.dispose(); done(); }, 100); }); it("won't start again before stopping", function(){ var noise = new Noise(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("stopped"); noise.start(); noise.start(); noise.stop(); noise.stop(); expect(noise.state).to.equal("stopped"); noise.dispose(); }); it("be scheduled to start in the future", function(done){ var noi; Test.offlineTest(1, function(dest){ noi = new Noise(); noi.connect(dest); noi.start("+0.1"); }, function(sample, time){ if (sample !== 0){ expect(time).to.be.at.least(0.1); } }, function(){ noi.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can set the noise types", function(){ var noise = new Noise(); noise.setType("brown"); noise.setType("white"); noise.setType("pink"); //even after started noise.start(); noise.setType("brown"); noise.setType("white"); noise.setType("pink"); noise.stop(); noise.dispose(); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(){ var noise = new Noise({ "type" : "brown" }); expect(noise.getType()).to.equal("brown"); noise.dispose(); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var noise = new Noise(); noise.set({ "type" : "pink" }); expect(noise.getType()).to.equal("pink"); noise.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.PulseOscillator", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var o = new PulseOscillator(); o.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(o); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var o = new PulseOscillator(); Test.acceptsOutput(o); o.dispose(); }); it("outputs a sound", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new PulseOscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can set the width", function(){ var pulse = new PulseOscillator(); pulse.setWidth(0.2); pulse.dispose(); }); it("can set the frequency", function(){ var pulse = new PulseOscillator(); pulse.setFrequency(220); pulse.dispose(); }); it("invokes the onended callback on stop", function(done){ var oscillator = new PulseOscillator(); oscillator.toMaster(); oscillator.onended = function(){ oscillator.dispose(); done(); }; oscillator.start(); oscillator.stop("+0.2"); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(){ var osc = new PulseOscillator({ "frequency" : 200, "detune" : -20, }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(200); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-20); osc.dispose(); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var osc = new PulseOscillator(); osc.set({ "frequency" : 231, "detune" : -21, "width" : 0.2 }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(231); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-21); expect(osc.width.getValue()).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.001); osc.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.PWMOscillator", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var pwm = new PWMOscillator(); pwm.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(pwm); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var pwm = new PWMOscillator(); Test.acceptsOutput(pwm); pwm.dispose(); }); it("outputs a sound", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new PWMOscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("can set the modulation frequency", function(){ var pwm = new PWMOscillator(); pwm.setModulationFrequency(0.2); pwm.dispose(); }); it("can set the frequency", function(){ var pwm = new PWMOscillator(); pwm.setFrequency(220); pwm.dispose(); }); it("invokes the onended callback on stop", function(done){ var oscillator = new PWMOscillator(); oscillator.toMaster(); oscillator.onended = function(){ oscillator.dispose(); done(); }; oscillator.start(); oscillator.stop("+0.2"); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(){ var osc = new PWMOscillator({ "frequency" : 200, "detune" : -20, }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(200); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-20); osc.dispose(); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var osc = new PWMOscillator(); osc.set({ "frequency" : 231, "detune" : -21, "modulationFrequency" : 0.2 }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(231); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-21); expect(osc.modulationFrequency.getValue()).to.be.closeTo(0.2, 0.001); osc.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.OmniOscillator", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); beforeEach(function(){ Test.onlineContext(); }); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(omni); }); it("outputs a sound", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("outputs a sound when set to a square wave", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.setType("square"); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("outputs a sound when set to a pwm wave", function(done){ var osc; Test.outputsAudio(function(dest){ osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.connect(dest); osc.setType("pwm"); osc.start(); }, function(){ osc.dispose(); done(); }); }); it("handles output connections", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); Test.acceptsOutput(omni); omni.dispose(); }); it("invokes the onended callback on stop", function(done){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.toMaster(); omni.onended = function(){ omni.dispose(); done(); }; omni.start(); omni.stop("+0.2"); }); it("can set the modulation frequency only when type is pwm", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.setType("pwm"); expect(omni.setModulationFrequency.bind(omni, 0.2)).to.not.throw(Error); omni.setType("pulse"); expect(omni.setModulationFrequency.bind(omni, 0.2)).to.throw(Error); omni.dispose(); }); it("can set the modulation width only when type is pulse", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.setType("pulse"); expect(omni.setWidth.bind(omni, 0.2)).to.not.throw(Error); omni.setType("sine"); expect(omni.setWidth.bind(omni, 0.2)).to.throw(Error); omni.dispose(); }); it("can be created with an options object", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator({ "frequency" : 210, "detune" : -30, "type" : "square" }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(210); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-30); expect(osc.getType()).to.equal("square"); osc.dispose(); }); it("can be set with an options object", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.set({ "type" : "pwm", "frequency" : 231, "detune" : -21, }); expect(osc.frequency.getValue()).to.equal(231); expect(osc.detune.getValue()).to.equal(-21); expect(osc.getType()).to.equal("pwm"); osc.dispose(); }); }); describe("Tone.Microphone", function(){ this.timeout(maxTimeout); it("can be created and disposed", function(){ var mic = new Microphone(); mic.dispose(); Test.wasDisposed(mic); }); }); });