define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/instrument/Instrument", "Tone/core/Buffers", "Tone/source/BufferSource"], function (Tone) { /** * @class Automatically interpolates between a set of pitched samples * @param {Object} samples An object of samples mapping either Midi * Note Numbers or Scientific Pitch Notation * to the url of that sample. * @example * var sampler = new Tone.MultiSampler({ * "C3" : "path/to/C3.mp3", * "D#3" : "path/to/Dsharp3.mp3", * "F#3" : "path/to/Fsharp3.mp3", * "A3" : "path/to/A3.mp3", * }, function(){ * //sampler will repitch the closest sample * sampler.triggerAttack("D3") * }) */ Tone.MultiSampler = function(urls){ // shift arguments over one. Those are the remainder of the options var args =; args.shift(); var options = Tone.defaults(args, ["onload", "baseUrl"], Tone.MultiSampler);, options); var urlMap = {}; for (var note in urls){ if (Tone.isNote(note)){ //convert the note name to MIDI var mid = Tone.Frequency(note).toMidi(); urlMap[mid] = urls[note]; } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(note))){ //otherwise if it's numbers assume it's midi urlMap[note] = urls[note]; } else { throw new Error("Tone.MultiSampler: url keys must be the note's pitch"); } } /** * The stored and loaded buffers * @type {Tone.Buffers} * @private */ this._buffers = new Tone.Buffers(urlMap, options.onload, options.baseUrl); /** * The object of all currently playing BufferSources * @type {Object} * @private */ this._activeSources = {}; /** * The envelope applied to the beginning of the sample. * @type {Time} */ this.attack = options.attack; /** * The envelope applied to the end of the envelope. * @type {Time} */ this.release = options.release; }; Tone.extend(Tone.MultiSampler, Tone.Instrument); /** * The defaults * @const * @type {Object} */ Tone.MultiSampler.defaults = { attack : 0, release : 0.1, onload : Tone.noOp, baseUrl : "" }; /** * Returns the difference in steps between the given midi note at the closets sample. * @param {Midi} midi * @return {Interval} * @private */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype._findClosest = function(midi){ var MAX_INTERVAL = 24; var interval = 0; while(interval < MAX_INTERVAL){ // check above and below if (this._buffers.has(midi + interval)){ return -interval; } else if (this._buffers.has(midi - interval)){ return interval; } interval++; } return null; }; /** * @param {Frequency} note The note to play * @param {Time=} time When to play the note * @param {NormalRange=} velocity The velocity to play the sample back. * @return {Tone.MultiSampler} this */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype.triggerAttack = function(note, time, velocity){ var midi = Tone.Frequency(note).toMidi(); // find the closest note pitch var difference = this._findClosest(midi); if (difference !== null){ var closestNote = midi - difference; var buffer = this._buffers.get(closestNote); // play that note var source = new Tone.BufferSource({ "buffer" : buffer, "playbackRate" : Tone.intervalToFrequencyRatio(difference), "fadeIn" : this.attack, "fadeOut" : this.release }).connect(this.output); source.start(time, 0, buffer.duration, velocity); // add it to the active sources if (!Tone.isArray(this._activeSources[midi])){ this._activeSources[midi] = []; } this._activeSources[midi].push({ note : midi, source : source }); } return this; }; /** * @param {Frequency} note The note to release. * @param {Time=} time When to release the note. * @return {Tone.MultiSampler} this */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype.triggerRelease = function(note, time){ var midi = Tone.Frequency(note).toMidi(); // find the note if (this._activeSources[midi] && this._activeSources[midi].length){ var source = this._activeSources[midi].shift().source; source.stop(time, this.release); } }; /** * Invoke the attack phase, then after the duration, invoke the release. * @param {Frequency} note The note to play * @param {Time} duration The time the note should be held * @param {Time=} time When to start the attack * @param {NormalRange} [velocity=1] The velocity of the attack * @return {Tone.MultiSampler} this */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype.triggerAttackRelease = function(note, duration, time, velocity){ time = this.toSeconds(time); duration = this.toSeconds(duration); this.triggerAttack(note, time, velocity); this.triggerRelease(note, time + duration); return this; }; /** * Add a note to the sampler. * @param {Note|Midi} note The buffer's pitch. * @param {String|Tone.Buffer|Audiobuffer} url Either the url of the bufer, * or a buffer which will be added * with the given name. * @param {Function=} callback The callback to invoke * when the url is loaded. */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype.add = function(note, url, callback){ if (Tone.isNote(note)){ //convert the note name to MIDI var mid = Tone.Frequency(note).toMidi(); this._buffers.add(mid, url, callback); } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(note))){ //otherwise if it's numbers assume it's midi this._buffers.add(note, url, callback); } else { throw new Error("Tone.MultiSampler: note must be the note's pitch. Instead got "+note); } }; /** * If the buffers are loaded or not * @memberOf Tone.MultiSampler# * @type {Boolean} * @name loaded * @readOnly */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.MultiSampler.prototype, "loaded", { get : function(){ return this._buffers.loaded; } }); /** * Clean up * @return {Tone.MultiSampler} this */ Tone.MultiSampler.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._buffers.dispose(); this._buffers = null; for (var midi in this._activeSources){ this._activeSources[midi].forEach(function(event){ event.source.dispose(); }); } this._activeSources = null; return this; }; return Tone.MultiSampler; });