define(["helper/OutputAudio", "Tone/instrument/Instrument", "helper/OutputAudioStereo", "Test", "helper/Offline", "Tone/core/Tone"], function(OutputAudio, Instrument, OutputAudioStereo, Test, Offline, Tone) { return function(Constr, note, constrArg, optionsIndex){ context("Instrument Tests", function(){ it("extends Tone.Instrument", function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); expect(instance); instance.dispose(); }); it("can connect the output", function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.connect(Test); instance.dispose(); }); it("can set the volume", function(){ if (!optionsIndex){ var instance = new Constr({ "volume" : -10 }); } else if (optionsIndex === 1){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg, { "volume" : -10 }); } expect(instance.volume.value), 0.1); instance.dispose(); }); it("makes a sound", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); instance.triggerAttack(note); }); }); it("produces sound in both channels", function(){ return OutputAudioStereo(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); instance.triggerAttack(note); }); }); it("is silent before being triggered", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); }).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.isSilent()); }); }); if (Constr.prototype.triggerRelease){ it("can trigger release after attack", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttack(note, 0.05); } else { instance.triggerAttack(0.05); } instance.triggerRelease(0.1); }, 0.2).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.1); }); }); it("can combine triggerAttack and triggerRelease", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttackRelease(note, 0.1, 0.05); } else { instance.triggerAttackRelease(0.1, 0.05); } }, 0.2).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.1); }); }); } it("be scheduled to start in the future", function(){ return Offline(function(){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttack(note, 0.1); } else { instance.triggerAttack(0.1); } }, 0.2).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.15); }); }); it("can sync triggerAttack to the Transport", function(){ return Offline(function(Transport){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); instance.sync(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttack(note, 0.1); } else { instance.triggerAttack(0.1); } Transport.start(0.1); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.25); }); }); it("can unsync triggerAttack to the Transport", function(){ return Offline(function(Transport){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); instance.sync(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttack(note, 0.1); } else { instance.triggerAttack(0.1); } instance.unsync(); Transport.start(0.1); }, 0.3).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.isSilent()); }); }); it("can sync triggerAttackRelease to the Transport", function(){ return Offline(function(Transport){ var instance = new Constr(constrArg); instance.toMaster(); instance.sync(); if (note){ instance.triggerAttackRelease(note, 0.25, 0.1); } else { instance.triggerAttackRelease(0.25, 0.1); } Transport.start(0.1); }, 1).then(function(buffer){ expect(buffer.getFirstSoundTime()), 0.25); //test a sample enough in the future for the decay to die down var endSample = Math.floor(0.9 * Tone.context.sampleRate); expect(buffer.getRMS()[endSample]), 0.1); }); }); }); }; });