define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/Effect", "Tone/signal/WaveShaper"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Tone.Distortion is a simple distortion effect using Tone.WaveShaper. * Algorithm from [a stackoverflow answer]( * * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @constructor * @param {Number|Object} [distortion] The amount of distortion (nominal range of 0-1) * @example * var dist = new Tone.Distortion(0.8).toMaster(); * var fm = new Tone.SimpleFM().connect(dist); * //this sounds good on bass notes * fm.triggerAttackRelease("A1", "8n"); */ Tone.Distortion = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["distortion"], Tone.Distortion);, options); /** * @type {Tone.WaveShaper} * @private */ this._shaper = new Tone.WaveShaper(4096); /** * holds the distortion amount * @type {number} * @private */ this._distortion = options.distortion; this.connectEffect(this._shaper); this.distortion = options.distortion; this.oversample = options.oversample; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Distortion, Tone.Effect); /** * @static * @const * @type {Object} */ Tone.Distortion.defaults = { "distortion" : 0.4, "oversample" : "none" }; /** * The amount of distortion. * @memberOf Tone.Distortion# * @type {NormalRange} * @name distortion */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Distortion.prototype, "distortion", { get : function(){ return this._distortion; }, set : function(amount){ this._distortion = amount; var k = amount * 100; var deg = Math.PI / 180; this._shaper.setMap(function(x){ if (Math.abs(x) < 0.001){ //should output 0 when input is 0 return 0; } else { return (3 + k) * x * 20 * deg / (Math.PI + k * Math.abs(x)); } }); } }); /** * The oversampling of the effect. Can either be "none", "2x" or "4x". * @memberOf Tone.Distortion# * @type {string} * @name oversample */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Distortion.prototype, "oversample", { get : function(){ return this._shaper.oversample; }, set : function(oversampling){ this._shaper.oversample = oversampling; } }); /** * Clean up. * @returns {Tone.Distortion} this */ Tone.Distortion.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._shaper.dispose(); this._shaper = null; return this; }; return Tone.Distortion; });