define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class A single master output which is connected to the * AudioDestinationNode (aka your speakers). * It provides useful conveniences such as the ability * to set the volume and mute the entire application. * It also gives you the ability to apply master effects like compression, * limiting or effects to your application.

* Like Tone.Transport, Tone.Master is created * on initialization. You don't need to constuct it. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Master = function(){; /** * the unmuted volume * @type {number} * @private */ this._unmutedVolume = 1; /** * if the master is muted * @type {boolean} * @private */ this._muted = false; /** * the volume of the output in decibels * @type {Decibels} * @signal */ this.volume = new Tone.Signal(this.output.gain, Tone.Type.Decibels); //connections this.input.chain(this.output, this.context.destination); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Master); /** * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.Master.defaults = { "volume" : 0, "mute" : false }; /** * Set `mute` to true to stop all output * @memberOf Tone.Master# * @type {boolean} * @name mute * @example * //mute the output * Tone.Master.mute = true; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Master.prototype, "mute", { get : function(){ return this._muted; }, set : function(mute){ this._muted = mute; if (!this._muted && mute){ this._unmutedVolume = this.volume.value; //maybe it should ramp here? this.volume.value = -Infinity; } else if (this._muted && !mute){ this.volume.value = this._unmutedVolume; } } }); /** * Add a master effects chain. This will disconnect any nodes which were previously * chained. * @param {AudioNode|Tone...} args All arguments will be connected in a row * and the Master will be routed through it. * @return {Tone.Master} this * @example * //some overall compression to keep the levels in check * var masterCompressor = new Tone.Compressor({ * "threshold" : -6, * "ratio" : 3, * "attack" : 0.5, * "release" : 0.1 * }); * //give a little boost to the lows * var lowBump = new Tone.Filter(200, "lowshelf"); * //route everything through the filter * //and compressor before going to the speakers * Tone.Master.chain(lowBump, masterCompressor); */ Tone.Master.prototype.chain = function(){ this.input.disconnect(); this.input.chain.apply(this.input, arguments); arguments[arguments.length - 1].connect(this.output); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUGMENT TONE's PROTOTYPE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Connect 'this' to the master output. Shorthand for this.connect(Tone.Master) * @returns {Tone} this * @example * //connect an oscillator to the master output * var osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toMaster(); */ Tone.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); return this; }; /** * Also augment AudioNode's prototype to include toMaster * as a convenience * @returns {AudioNode} this */ AudioNode.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); return this; }; var MasterConstructor = Tone.Master; /** * initialize the module and listen for new audio contexts */ Tone._initAudioContext(function(){ //a single master output if (!Tone.prototype.isUndef(Tone.Master)){ Tone.Master = new MasterConstructor(); } else {;; } }); return Tone.Master; });