import Tone from "../core/Tone"; import "../source/Source"; import "../source/Oscillator"; import "../signal/Multiply"; import "../core/Gain"; import "../signal/AudioToGain"; /** * @class Tone.AMOscillator * * @extends {Tone.Oscillator} * @constructor * @param {Frequency} frequency The starting frequency of the oscillator. * @param {String} type The type of the carrier oscillator. * @param {String} modulationType The type of the modulator oscillator. * @example * //a sine oscillator frequency-modulated by a square wave * var fmOsc = new Tone.AMOscillator("Ab3", "sine", "square").toMaster().start(); */ Tone.AMOscillator = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["frequency", "type", "modulationType"], Tone.AMOscillator);, options); /** * The carrier oscillator * @type {Tone.Oscillator} * @private */ this._carrier = new Tone.Oscillator(options.frequency, options.type); /** * The oscillator's frequency * @type {Frequency} * @signal */ this.frequency = this._carrier.frequency; /** * The detune control signal. * @type {Cents} * @signal */ this.detune = this._carrier.detune; this.detune.value = options.detune; /** * The modulating oscillator * @type {Tone.Oscillator} * @private */ this._modulator = new Tone.Oscillator(options.frequency, options.modulationType); /** * convert the -1,1 output to 0,1 * @type {Tone.AudioToGain} * @private */ this._modulationScale = new Tone.AudioToGain(); /** * Harmonicity is the frequency ratio between the carrier and the modulator oscillators. * A harmonicity of 1 gives both oscillators the same frequency. * Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave. * @type {Positive} * @signal * @example * //pitch the modulator an octave below carrier * synth.harmonicity.value = 0.5; */ this.harmonicity = new Tone.Multiply(options.harmonicity); this.harmonicity.units = Tone.Type.Positive; /** * the node where the modulation happens * @type {Tone.Gain} * @private */ this._modulationNode = new Tone.Gain(0); //connections this.frequency.chain(this.harmonicity, this._modulator.frequency); this.detune.connect(this._modulator.detune); this._modulator.chain(this._modulationScale, this._modulationNode.gain); this._carrier.chain(this._modulationNode, this.output); this.phase = options.phase; this._readOnly(["frequency", "detune", "harmonicity"]); }; Tone.extend(Tone.AMOscillator, Tone.Oscillator); /** * default values * @static * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.AMOscillator.defaults = { "frequency" : 440, "detune" : 0, "phase" : 0, "type" : "sine", "modulationType" : "square", "harmonicity" : 1 }; /** * start the oscillator * @param {Time} [time=now] * @private */ Tone.AMOscillator.prototype._start = function(time){ this._modulator.start(time); this._carrier.start(time); }; /** * stop the oscillator * @param {Time} time (optional) timing parameter * @private */ Tone.AMOscillator.prototype._stop = function(time){ this._modulator.stop(time); this._carrier.stop(time); }; /** * restart the oscillator * @param {Time} time (optional) timing parameter * @private */ Tone.AMOscillator.prototype.restart = function(time){ this._modulator.restart(time); this._carrier.restart(time); }; /** * The type of the carrier oscillator * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {string} * @name type */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "type", { get : function(){ return this._carrier.type; }, set : function(type){ this._carrier.type = type; } }); /** * The oscillator type without the partialsCount appended to the end * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {string} * @name baseType * @example * osc.type = 'sine2' * osc.baseType //'sine' * osc.partialCount = 2 */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "baseType", { get : function(){ return this._carrier.baseType; }, set : function(baseType){ this._carrier.baseType = baseType; } }); /** * 'partialCount' offers an alternative way to set the number of used partials. * When partialCount is 0, the maximum number of partials are used when representing * the waveform using the periodicWave. When 'partials' is set, this value is * not settable, but equals the length of the partials array. * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {Number} * @name partialCount */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "partialCount", { get : function(){ return this._carrier.partialCount; }, set : function(partialCount){ this._carrier.partialCount = partialCount; } }); /** * The type of the modulator oscillator * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {string} * @name modulationType */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "modulationType", { get : function(){ return this._modulator.type; }, set : function(type){ this._modulator.type = type; } }); /** * The phase of the oscillator in degrees. * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {number} * @name phase */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "phase", { get : function(){ return this._carrier.phase; }, set : function(phase){ this._carrier.phase = phase; this._modulator.phase = phase; } }); /** * The partials of the carrier waveform. A partial represents * the amplitude at a harmonic. The first harmonic is the * fundamental frequency, the second is the octave and so on * following the harmonic series. * Setting this value will automatically set the type to "custom". * The value is an empty array when the type is not "custom". * @memberOf Tone.AMOscillator# * @type {Array} * @name partials * @example * osc.partials = [1, 0.2, 0.01]; */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.AMOscillator.prototype, "partials", { get : function(){ return this._carrier.partials; }, set : function(partials){ this._carrier.partials = partials; } }); /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.AMOscillator} this */ Tone.AMOscillator.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._writable(["frequency", "detune", "harmonicity"]); this.frequency = null; this.detune = null; this.harmonicity.dispose(); this.harmonicity = null; this._carrier.dispose(); this._carrier = null; this._modulator.dispose(); this._modulator = null; this._modulationNode.dispose(); this._modulationNode = null; this._modulationScale.dispose(); this._modulationScale = null; return this; }; export default Tone.AMOscillator;