import { expect } from "chai"; import { ConstantOutput } from "../../../test/helper/ConstantOutput"; import { Offline } from "../../../test/helper/Offline"; import { ONLINE_TESTING } from "../../../test/helper/Supports"; import { TransportClass } from "../clock/Transport"; import { getContext } from "../Global"; import { createAudioContext } from "./AudioContext"; import { Context } from "./Context"; import { DestinationClass } from "./Destination"; import { ListenerClass } from "./Listener"; import { DrawClass } from "../util/Draw"; import { connect } from "./ToneAudioNode"; describe("Context", () => { it("creates and disposes the classes attached to the context", async () => { const ac = createAudioContext(); const context = new Context(ac); const ctxDest = context.destination; const ctxDraw = context.draw; const ctxTransport = context.transport; const ctxListener = context.listener; expect(context.destination).is.instanceOf(DestinationClass); expect(context.draw).is.instanceOf(DrawClass); expect(context.listener).is.instanceOf(ListenerClass); await context.close(); expect(ctxDest.disposed); expect(ctxDraw.disposed); expect(ctxTransport.disposed); expect(ctxListener.disposed); context.dispose(); }); context("AudioContext", () => { it("extends the AudioContext methods", () => { const ctx = new Context(createAudioContext()); expect(ctx)"createGain"); expect(ctx.createGain())"gain"); expect(ctx)"createOscillator"); expect(ctx.createOscillator())"frequency"); expect(ctx)"createDelay"); expect(ctx.createDelay())"delayTime"); expect(ctx)"createConstantSource"); ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can be stringified", () => { const ctx = new Context(createAudioContext()); expect(JSON.stringify(ctx)).to.equal("{}"); ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); if (ONLINE_TESTING) { it("clock is running", (done) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (getContext().currentTime > 0.5) { clearInterval(interval); done(); } }, 20); }); } it("has a rawContext", () => { const ctx = new Context(createAudioContext()); expect(ctx.rawContext)"destination"); expect(ctx.rawContext)"sampleRate"); ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can be constructed with an options object", () => { const ctx = new Context({ clockSource: "timeout", latencyHint: "playback", lookAhead: 0.2, updateInterval: 0.1 }); expect(ctx.lookAhead).to.equal(0.2); expect(ctx.updateInterval).to.equal(0.1); expect(ctx.latencyHint).to.equal("playback"); expect(ctx.clockSource).to.equal("timeout"); ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("returns 'now' and 'immediate' time", () => { const ctx = new Context(); expect("number"); expect(ctx.immediate())"number"); ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); }); context("state", () => { it("can suspend and resume the state", async () => { const ac = createAudioContext(); const context = new Context(ac); expect(context.rawContext).to.equal(ac); await ac.suspend(); expect(context.state).to.equal("suspended"); await context.resume(); expect(context.state).to.equal("running"); context.dispose(); return context.close(); }); it("invokes the statechange event", async () => { const ac = createAudioContext(); const context = new Context(ac); let triggerChange = false; context.on("statechange", (state) => { if (!triggerChange) { triggerChange = true; expect(state).to.equal("running"); } }); await context.resume(); await new Promise((done) => setTimeout(() => done(), 10)); expect(triggerChange).to.equal(true); return context.dispose(); }); }); if (ONLINE_TESTING) { context("clockSource", () => { let ctx; beforeEach(() => { ctx = new Context(); return ctx.resume(); }); afterEach(() => { ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("defaults to 'worker'", () => { expect(ctx.clockSource).to.equal("worker"); }); it("provides callback", (done) => { expect(ctx.clockSource).to.equal("worker"); ctx.setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 0.1); }); it("can be set to 'timeout'", (done) => { ctx.clockSource = "timeout"; expect(ctx.clockSource).to.equal("timeout"); ctx.setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 0.1); }); it("can be set to 'offline'", (done) => { ctx.clockSource = "offline"; expect(ctx.clockSource).to.equal("offline"); // provides no callback ctx.setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("shouldn't be called"); }, 0.1); setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 200); }); }); } context("setTimeout", () => { if (ONLINE_TESTING) { let ctx; beforeEach(() => { ctx = new Context(); return ctx.resume(); }); afterEach(() => { ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can set a timeout", (done) => { ctx.setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 0.1); }); it("returns an id", () => { expect(ctx.setTimeout(() => {}, 0.1))"number"); // try clearing a random ID, shouldn't cause any errors ctx.clearTimeout(-2); }); it("timeout is not invoked when cancelled", (done) => { const id = ctx.setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("shouldn't be invoked"); }, 0.01); ctx.clearTimeout(id); ctx.setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 0.02); }); it("order is maintained", (done) => { let wasInvoked = false; ctx.setTimeout(() => { expect(wasInvoked).to.equal(true); done(); }, 0.02); ctx.setTimeout(() => { wasInvoked = true; }, 0.01); }); } it("is invoked in the offline context", () => { return Offline((context) => { const transport = new TransportClass({ context }); transport.context.setTimeout(() => { expect(, 0.005); }, 0.01); }, 0.05); }); }); context("setInterval", () => { if (ONLINE_TESTING) { let ctx; beforeEach(() => { ctx = new Context(); return ctx.resume(); }); afterEach(() => { ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can set an interval", (done) => { ctx.setInterval(() => { done(); }, 0.1); }); it("returns an id", () => { expect(ctx.setInterval(() => {}, 0.1))"number"); // try clearing a random ID, shouldn't cause any errors ctx.clearInterval(-2); }); it("timeout is not invoked when cancelled", (done) => { const id = ctx.setInterval(() => { throw new Error("shouldn't be invoked"); }, 0.01); ctx.clearInterval(id); ctx.setInterval(() => { done(); }, 0.02); }); it("order is maintained", (done) => { let wasInvoked = false; ctx.setInterval(() => { expect(wasInvoked).to.equal(true); done(); }, 0.02); ctx.setInterval(() => { wasInvoked = true; }, 0.01); }); } it("is invoked in the offline context", () => { let invocationCount = 0; return Offline((context) => { context.setInterval(() => { invocationCount++; }, 0.01); }, 0.051).then(() => { expect(invocationCount).to.equal(4); }); }); it("is invoked in with the right interval", () => { let numberOfInvocations = 0; return Offline((context) => { let intervalTime =; context.setInterval(() => { expect( - intervalTime) 0.01, 0.005 ); intervalTime =; numberOfInvocations++; }, 0.01); }, 0.051).then(() => { expect(numberOfInvocations).to.equal(4); }); }); }); context("get/set", () => { let ctx; beforeEach(() => { ctx = new Context(); return ctx.resume(); }); afterEach(() => { ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can set the lookAhead", () => { ctx.lookAhead = 0.05; expect(ctx.lookAhead).to.equal(0.05); }); it("can set the updateInterval", () => { ctx.updateInterval = 0.05; expect(ctx.updateInterval).to.equal(0.05); }); it("gets a constant signal", () => { return ConstantOutput((context) => { const bufferSrc = context.getConstant(1); connect(bufferSrc, context.destination); }, 1); }); it("multiple calls return the same buffer source", () => { const bufferA = ctx.getConstant(2); const bufferB = ctx.getConstant(2); expect(bufferA).to.equal(bufferB); }); }); context("Methods", () => { let ctx; beforeEach(() => { ctx = new Context(); return ctx.resume(); }); afterEach(() => { ctx.dispose(); return ctx.close(); }); it("can create a MediaElementAudioSourceNode", () => { const audioNode = document.createElement("audio"); const node = ctx.createMediaElementSource(audioNode); expect(node).is.not.undefined; }); }); });