import { Effect, EffectOptions } from "./Effect"; import { Filter } from "../component/filter/Filter"; import { Follower } from "../component/analysis/Follower"; import { Decibels, Frequency, GainFactor, Hertz, Positive, Time } from "../core/type/Units"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../core/util/Defaults"; import { Gain } from "../core/context/Gain"; import { dbToGain, gainToDb } from "../core/type/Conversions"; import { ScaleExp } from "../signal/ScaleExp"; import { Signal } from "../signal/Signal"; import { readOnly } from "../core/util/Interface"; export interface AutoWahOptions extends EffectOptions { baseFrequency: Frequency; octaves: Positive; sensitivity: Decibels; Q: Positive; gain: GainFactor; follower: Time; } /** * AutoWah connects a [[Follower]] to a [[Filter]]. * The frequency of the filter, follows the input amplitude curve. * Inspiration from [Tuna.js]( * * @example * import { AutoWah, Synth } from "tone"; * const autoWah = new AutoWah(50, 6, -30).toDestination(); * // initialize the synth and connect to autowah * const synth = new Synth().connect(autoWah); * // Q value influences the effect of the wah - default is 2 * autoWah.Q.value = 6; * // more audible on higher notes * synth.triggerAttackRelease("C4", "8n"); * @category Effect */ export class AutoWah extends Effect<AutoWahOptions> { readonly name: string = "AutoWah"; /** * The envelope follower. Set the attack/release * timing to adjust how the envelope is followed. */ private _follower: Follower; /** * scales the follower value to the frequency domain */ private _sweepRange: ScaleExp; /** * Hold the base frequency value */ private _baseFrequency: Hertz; /** * Private holder for the octave count */ private _octaves: Positive; /** * the input gain to adjust the sensitivity */ private _inputBoost: Gain; /** * Private holder for the filter */ private _bandpass: Filter; /** * The peaking fitler */ private _peaking: Filter; /** * The gain of the filter. */ readonly gain: Signal<"decibels">; /** * The quality of the filter. */ readonly Q: Signal<"positive">; /** * @param baseFrequency The frequency the filter is set to at the low point of the wah * @param octaves The number of octaves above the baseFrequency the filter will sweep to when fully open. * @param sensitivity The decibel threshold sensitivity for the incoming signal. Normal range of -40 to 0. */ constructor(baseFrequency?: Frequency, octaves?: Positive, sensitivity?: Decibels); constructor(options?: Partial<AutoWahOptions>); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(AutoWah.getDefaults(), arguments, ["baseFrequency", "octaves", "sensitivity"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(AutoWah.getDefaults(), arguments, ["baseFrequency", "octaves", "sensitivity"]); this._follower = new Follower({ context: this.context, smoothing: options.follower, }); this._sweepRange = new ScaleExp({ context: this.context, min: 0, max: 1, exponent: 0.5, }); this._baseFrequency = this.toFrequency(options.baseFrequency); this._octaves = options.octaves; this._inputBoost = new Gain({ context: this.context }); this._bandpass = new Filter({ context: this.context, rolloff: -48, frequency: 0, Q: options.Q, }); this._peaking = new Filter({ context: this.context, type: "peaking" }); this._peaking.gain.value = options.gain; this.gain = this._peaking.gain; this.Q = this._bandpass.Q; // the control signal path this.effectSend.chain(this._inputBoost, this._follower, this._sweepRange); this._sweepRange.connect(this._bandpass.frequency); this._sweepRange.connect(this._peaking.frequency); // the filtered path this.effectSend.chain(this._bandpass, this._peaking, this.effectReturn); // set the initial value this._setSweepRange(); this.sensitivity = options.sensitivity; readOnly(this, ["gain", "Q"]); } static getDefaults(): AutoWahOptions { return Object.assign(Effect.getDefaults(), { baseFrequency: 100, octaves: 6, sensitivity: 0, Q: 2, gain: 2, follower: 0.2, }); } /** * The number of octaves that the filter will sweep above the baseFrequency. */ get octaves() { return this._octaves; } set octaves(octaves) { this._octaves = octaves; this._setSweepRange(); } /** * The follower's smoothing time */ get follower(): Time { return this._follower.smoothing; } set follower(follower) { this._follower.smoothing = follower; } /** * The base frequency from which the sweep will start from. */ get baseFrequency(): Frequency { return this._baseFrequency; } set baseFrequency(baseFreq) { this._baseFrequency = this.toFrequency(baseFreq); this._setSweepRange(); } /** * The sensitivity to control how responsive to the input signal the filter is. */ get sensitivity(): Decibels { return gainToDb(1 / this._inputBoost.gain.value); } set sensitivity(sensitivity) { this._inputBoost.gain.value = 1 / dbToGain(sensitivity); } /** * sets the sweep range of the scaler */ private _setSweepRange() { this._sweepRange.min = this._baseFrequency; this._sweepRange.max = Math.min(this._baseFrequency * Math.pow(2, this._octaves), this.context.sampleRate / 2); } dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._follower.dispose(); this._sweepRange.dispose(); this._bandpass.dispose(); this._peaking.dispose(); this._inputBoost.dispose(); return this; } }