define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/WaveShaper", "Tone/type/Type", "Tone/core/Param", "Tone/shim/ConstantSourceNode", "Tone/core/Gain"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class A signal is an audio-rate value. Tone.Signal is a core component of the library. * Unlike a number, Signals can be scheduled with sample-level accuracy. Tone.Signal * has all of the methods available to native Web Audio * [AudioParam]( * as well as additional conveniences. Read more about working with signals * [here]( * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Param} * @param {Number|AudioParam} [value] Initial value of the signal. If an AudioParam * is passed in, that parameter will be wrapped * and controlled by the Signal. * @param {string} [units=Number] unit The units the signal is in. * @example * var signal = new Tone.Signal(10); */ Tone.Signal = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["value", "units"], Tone.Signal);, options); /** * When a signal is connected to another signal or audio param, * this signal becomes a proxy for it * @type {Array} * @private */ this._proxies = []; /** * Indicates if the constant source was started or not * @private * @type {Boolean} */ this._sourceStarted = false; /** * The constant source node which generates the signal * @type {ConstantSourceNode} * @private */ this._constantSource = this.context.createConstantSource(); this._param = this._constantSource.offset; this.value = options.value; /** * The node where the constant signal value is scaled. * @type {GainNode} * @private */ this.output = this._constantSource; /** * The node where the value is set. * @type {Tone.Param} * @private */ this.input = this._param = this.output.offset; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Signal, Tone.Param); /** * The default values * @type {Object} * @static * @const */ Tone.Signal.defaults = { "value" : 0, "units" : Tone.Type.Default, "convert" : true, }; /** * When signals connect to other signals or AudioParams, * they take over the output value of that signal or AudioParam. * For all other nodes, the behavior is the same as a default connect. * * @override * @param {AudioParam|AudioNode|Tone.Signal|Tone} node * @param {number} [outputNumber=0] The output number to connect from. * @param {number} [inputNumber=0] The input number to connect to. * @returns {Tone.Signal} this * @method */ Tone.Signal.prototype.connect = function(node){ //this is an optimization where this node will forward automations //to connected nodes without any signal if possible. if (this._isParam(node) && !this._sourceStarted){ this._proxies.push(node); node.overridden = true; this._applyAutomations(node); } else { Tone.SignalBase.prototype.connect.apply(this, arguments); if (!this._sourceStarted){ this._sourceStarted = true; this._constantSource.start(0); } } return this; }; /** * Takes a node as an argument and returns if it is a Param or AudioParam * @param {*} node The node to test * @return {Boolean} * @private */ Tone.Signal.prototype._isParam = function(node){ return (Tone.Param && Tone.Param === node.constructor) || node instanceof AudioParam; }; /** * Discard the optimization and connect all of the proxies * @private */ Tone.Signal.prototype._connectProxies = function(){ if (!this._sourceStarted){ this._sourceStarted = true; this._constantSource.start(0); } this._proxies.forEach(function(proxy){, proxy); if (proxy._proxies){ proxy._connectProxies(); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Invoked when a node is connected to this * @param {AudioNode} from * @private */ Tone.Signal.prototype._onConnect = function(from){ if (!this._isParam(from)){ //connect all the proxies this._connectProxies(); } }; /** * Apply all the current automations to the given parameter * @param {AudioParam} param * @private */ Tone.Signal.prototype._applyAutomations = function(param){ var now = this.context.currentTime; param.cancelScheduledValues(now); var currentVal = this.getValueAtTime(now); param.setValueAtTime(currentVal, now); this._events.forEachFrom(now, function(event){ param[event.type](event.value, event.time, event.constant); }); }; /** * Disconnect from the given node or all nodes if no param is given. * @param {AudioNode|AudioParam} node * @return {Tone.Signal} this */ Tone.Signal.prototype.disconnect = function(node){ if (this._proxies.includes(node)){ var index = this._proxies.indexOf(node); this._proxies.splice(index, 1); } else if (!node){ //no argument, disconnect everything this._proxies = []; } return Tone.SignalBase.prototype.disconnect.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Return the current signal value at the given time. * @param {Time} time When to get the signal value * @return {Number} */ Tone.Signal.prototype.getValueAtTime = function(time){ if (this._param.getValueAtTime){ return this._param.getValueAtTime(time); } else { return, time); } }; //wrap all of the automation methods ["setValueAtTime", "linearRampToValueAtTime", "exponentialRampToValueAtTime", "setTargetAtTime"] .forEach(function(method){ var previousMethod = Tone.Signal.prototype[method]; Tone.Signal.prototype[method] = function(){ var args = arguments; previousMethod.apply(this, arguments); args[0] = this._fromUnits(args[0]); args[1] = this.toSeconds(args[1]); //apply it to the proxies this._proxies.forEach(function(signal){ signal[method].apply(signal, args); }); }; }); ["cancelScheduledValues", "cancelAndHoldAtTime"] .forEach(function(method){ var previousMethod = Tone.Signal.prototype[method]; Tone.Signal.prototype[method] = function(){ var args = arguments; previousMethod.apply(this, arguments); args[0] = this.toSeconds(args[0]); //apply it to the proxies this._proxies.forEach(function(signal){ signal[method].apply(signal, args); }); }; }); /** * dispose and disconnect * @returns {Tone.Signal} this */ Tone.Signal.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._constantSource.disconnect(); this._constantSource = null; this._proxies = null; return this; }; return Tone.Signal; });