define(["Tone/component/EQ3", "helper/Basic", "helper/Offline", "helper/Test", "Tone/signal/Signal", "helper/PassAudio", "helper/PassAudioStereo"], function(EQ3, Basic, Offline, Test, Signal, PassAudio, PassAudioStereo){ describe("EQ3", function(){ Basic(EQ3); context("EQing", function(){ it("handles input and output connections", function(){ var eq3 = new EQ3(); Test.connect(eq3); eq3.connect(Test); eq3.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an object", function(){ var eq3 = new EQ3({ "low" : -8, "mid" : -9, "high" : -10, "lowFrequency" : 500, "highFrequency" : 2700 }); expect(eq3.low.value), 0.1); expect(eq3.mid.value), 0.1); expect(eq3.high.value), 0.1); expect(eq3.lowFrequency.value), 0.01); expect(eq3.highFrequency.value), 0.01); eq3.dispose(); }); it("can be get and set through object", function(){ var eq3 = new EQ3(); eq3.set({ "high" : -4, "lowFrequency" : 250, }); expect(eq3.get().high), 0.1); expect(eq3.get().lowFrequency), 0.01); eq3.dispose(); }); it("passes the incoming signal through", function(){ return PassAudio(function(input){ var eq3 = new EQ3({ "low" : -20, "high" : 12 }).toMaster(); input.connect(eq3); }); }); it("passes the incoming stereo signal through", function(){ return PassAudioStereo(function(input){ var eq3 = new EQ3({ "mid" : -2, "high" : 2 }).toMaster(); input.connect(eq3); }); }); }); }); });