define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/SignalBase"], function(Tone){

	"use strict";

	 *  @class Wraps the native Web Audio API 
	 *         [WaveShaperNode](
	 *  @extends {Tone.SignalBase}
	 *  @constructor
	 *  @param {function|Array|Number} mapping The function used to define the values. 
	 *                                    The mapping function should take two arguments: 
	 *                                    the first is the value at the current position 
	 *                                    and the second is the array position. 
	 *                                    If the argument is an array, that array will be
	 *                                    set as the wave shaping function. The input
	 *                                    signal is an AudioRange [-1, 1] value and the output
	 *                                    signal can take on any numerical values. 
	 *  @param {Number} [bufferLen=1024] The length of the WaveShaperNode buffer.
	 *  @example
	 * var timesTwo = new Tone.WaveShaper(function(val){
	 * 	return val * 2;
	 * }, 2048);
	 *  @example
	 * //a waveshaper can also be constructed with an array of values
	 * var invert = new Tone.WaveShaper([1, -1]);
	Tone.WaveShaper = function(mapping, bufferLen){

		 *  the waveshaper
		 *  @type {WaveShaperNode}
		 *  @private
		this._shaper = this.input = this.output = this.context.createWaveShaper();

		 *  the waveshapers curve
		 *  @type {Float32Array}
		 *  @private
		this._curve = null;

		if (Array.isArray(mapping)){
			this.curve = mapping;
		} else if (isFinite(mapping) || this.isUndef(mapping)){
			this._curve = new Float32Array(this.defaultArg(mapping, 1024));
		} else if (this.isFunction(mapping)){
			this._curve = new Float32Array(this.defaultArg(bufferLen, 1024));

	Tone.extend(Tone.WaveShaper, Tone.SignalBase);

	 *  Uses a mapping function to set the value of the curve. 
	 *  @param {function} mapping The function used to define the values. 
	 *                            The mapping function take two arguments: 
	 *                            the first is the value at the current position 
	 *                            which goes from -1 to 1 over the number of elements
	 *                            in the curve array. The second argument is the array position. 
	 *  @returns {Tone.WaveShaper} this
	 *  @example
	 * //map the input signal from [-1, 1] to [0, 10]
	 * shaper.setMap(function(val, index){
	 * 	return (val + 1) * 5;
	 * })
	Tone.WaveShaper.prototype.setMap = function(mapping){
		for (var i = 0, len = this._curve.length; i < len; i++){
			var normalized = (i / (len - 1)) * 2 - 1;
			this._curve[i] = mapping(normalized, i);
		this._shaper.curve = this._curve;
		return this;

	 * The array to set as the waveshaper curve. For linear curves
	 * array length does not make much difference, but for complex curves
	 * longer arrays will provide smoother interpolation. 
	 * @memberOf Tone.WaveShaper#
	 * @type {Array}
	 * @name curve
	Object.defineProperty(Tone.WaveShaper.prototype, "curve", {
		get : function(){
			return this._shaper.curve;
		set : function(mapping){
			this._curve = new Float32Array(mapping);
			this._shaper.curve = this._curve;

	 * Specifies what type of oversampling (if any) should be used when 
	 * applying the shaping curve. Can either be "none", "2x" or "4x". 
	 * @memberOf Tone.WaveShaper#
	 * @type {string}
	 * @name oversample
	Object.defineProperty(Tone.WaveShaper.prototype, "oversample", {
		get : function(){
			return this._shaper.oversample;
		set : function(oversampling){
			if (["none", "2x", "4x"].indexOf(oversampling) !== -1){
				this._shaper.oversample = oversampling;
			} else {
				throw new Error("invalid oversampling: "+oversampling);

	 *  Clean up.
	 *  @returns {Tone.WaveShaper} this
	Tone.WaveShaper.prototype.dispose = function(){;
		this._shaper = null;
		this._curve = null;
		return this;

	return Tone.WaveShaper;