import { expect } from "chai"; import { BasicTests, warns } from "test/helper/Basic"; import { PassAudio } from "test/helper/PassAudio"; import { ONLINE_TESTING } from "test/helper/Supports"; import { Signal } from "Tone/signal/Signal"; import { Oscillator } from "Tone/source/oscillator/Oscillator"; import { Meter } from "./Meter"; describe("Meter", () => { BasicTests(Meter); context("Metering", () => { it("handles getter/setter as Object", () => { const meter = new Meter(); const values = { smoothing: 0.2, }; meter.set(values); expect(meter.get().smoothing).to.equal(0.2); meter.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with the smoothing", () => { const meter = new Meter(0.5); expect(meter.smoothing).to.equal(0.5); meter.dispose(); }); it("returns an array of channels if channels > 1", () => { const meter = new Meter({ channels: 4, }); expect((meter.getValue() as number[]).length).to.equal(4); meter.dispose(); }); it("can be constructed with an object", () => { const meter = new Meter({ smoothing: 0.3, }); expect(meter.smoothing).to.equal(0.3); meter.dispose(); }); it("passes the audio through", () => { return PassAudio((input) => { const meter = new Meter().toDestination(); input.connect(meter); }); }); it("warns of deprecated method", () => { warns(() => { const meter = new Meter().toDestination(); meter.getLevel(); meter.dispose(); }); }); if (ONLINE_TESTING) { it("can get the rms level of the incoming signal", (done) => { const meter = new Meter(); const osc = new Oscillator().connect(meter).start(); osc.volume.value = -6; setTimeout(() => { expect(meter.getValue()), 1); meter.dispose(); osc.dispose(); done(); }, 400); }); it("can get the values in normal range", (done) => { const meter = new Meter({ normalRange: true, }); const osc = new Oscillator().connect(meter).start(); osc.volume.value = -6; setTimeout(() => { expect(meter.getValue()), 0.15); meter.dispose(); osc.dispose(); done(); }, 400); }); } }); });