define(["Test", "Tone/core/Bus", "Tone/core/Tone", "helper/Offline", "helper/PassAudio"], function (Test, Bus, Tone, Offline, PassAudio) { describe("Bus", function(){ it ("provides a send and receive method", function(){ expect(Tone.prototype.send).is.a("function"); expect(Tone.prototype.receive).is.a("function"); }); it ("passes audio from a send to a receive with the same name", function(done){ var send, recv; PassAudio(function(input, output){ //make them pass through nodes send = new Tone(); recv = new Tone(); send.input.connect(send.output); recv.input.connect(recv.output); input.connect(send); recv.connect(output); send.send("test"); recv.receive("test"); }, function(){ send.dispose(); recv.dispose(); done(); }); }); }); });