import Tone from "Tone/core/Tone"; //augment the built in functions export default function(buffer){ buffer.isSilent = function(channelNum){ if (Tone.isUndef(channelNum)){ return buffer.toMono().isSilent(0); } else { var array = buffer.toArray(channelNum); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] !== 0){ return false; } } return true; } }; /** * Get the RMS levels for the buffer, returned as an array * @param {blockSize} [blockSize=512] */ buffer.getRMS = function(blockSize){ blockSize = blockSize || 512; var rms = []; var array = buffer.toMono().toArray(); for (var j = 0; j < array.length; j++){ var sum = 0; if (j >= blockSize){ for (var k = j - blockSize; k < j; k++){ sum += array[k] * array[k]; } rms.push(Math.sqrt(sum / blockSize)); } } return rms; }; //get the rms at the given time buffer.getRmsAtTime = function(time){ var rms = this.getRMS(); var sample = Math.floor(time * this.context.sampleRate); return rms[sample]; }; //return the time when the buffer is no longer silent buffer.getFirstSoundTime = function(channelNum){ if (Tone.isUndef(channelNum)){ return buffer.toMono().getFirstSoundTime(0); } else { var array = buffer.toArray(channelNum); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] !== 0){ return i / buffer.context.sampleRate; } } return -1; } }; //returns the value at the given time buffer.getValueAtTime = function(time){ var ret = []; var sample = Math.round(time * buffer.context.sampleRate); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.numberOfChannels; i++){ ret[i] = buffer.getChannelData(i)[sample]; } if (ret.length === 1){ return ret[0]; } else { return ret; } }; //return the time when the buffer is silent to the remainer of the buffer buffer.getLastSoundTime = function(channelNum){ if (Tone.isUndef(channelNum)){ return buffer.toMono().getLastSoundTime(0); } else { var array = buffer.toArray(channelNum); for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if (array[i] !== 0){ return i / buffer.context.sampleRate; } } return 0; } }; //stops and returns value if callback does buffer.forEach = function(callback, start, end){ var i, ret; start = start || 0; end = end || buffer.duration; start = Math.floor((start / buffer.duration) * buffer.length); end = Math.floor((end / buffer.duration) * buffer.length); if (buffer.numberOfChannels === 2){ var arrayL = buffer.toArray(0); var arrayR = buffer.toArray(1); for (i = start; i < end; i++){ ret = callback(arrayL[i], arrayR[i], (i/buffer.length) * buffer.duration); if (typeof ret !== "undefined"){ return ret; } } } else { var array = buffer.toArray(); for (i = start; i < end; i++){ ret = callback(array[i], (i/array.length) * buffer.duration); if (typeof ret !== "undefined"){ return ret; } } } }; /** * Returns the max value in the buffer * @return {Number} */ buffer.max = function(){ var max = -Infinity; buffer.toMono().forEach(function(sample){ max = Math.max(sample, max); }); return max; }; /** * Returns the min value in the buffer * @return {Number} */ buffer.min = function(){ var min = Infinity; buffer.toMono().forEach(function(sample){ min = Math.min(sample, min); }); return min; }; /** * returns the value if there is a single value the entire buffer */ buffer.value = function(){ var val; buffer.toMono().forEach(function(sample){ if (typeof val === "undefined"){ val = sample; } else if (Math.abs(val - sample) > 0.0001){ throw new Error("multiple values in buffer"); } }); return val; }; }