import { assert } from "../core/util/Debug"; /** * The name of the patterns */ export type PatternName = "up" | "down" | "upDown" | "downUp" | "alternateUp" | "alternateDown" | "random" | "randomOnce"; /** * Start at the first value and go up to the last */ function* upPatternGen(values: T[]): IterableIterator { let index = 0; while (index < values.length) { index = clamp(index, values); yield values[index]; index++; } } /** * Start at the last value and go down to 0 */ function* downPatternGen(values: T[]): IterableIterator { let index = values.length - 1; while (index >= 0) { index = clamp(index, values); yield values[index]; index--; } } /** * Infinitely yield the generator */ function* infiniteGen(values: T[], gen: typeof upPatternGen): IterableIterator { while (true) { yield* gen(values); } } /** * Make sure that the index is in the given range */ function clamp(index: number, values: any[]): number { return Math.max(Math.min(index, values.length - 1), 0); } /** * Alternate between two generators */ function* alternatingGenerator(values: T[], directionUp: boolean): IterableIterator { let index = directionUp ? 0 : values.length - 1; while (true) { index = clamp(index, values); yield values[index]; if (directionUp) { index++; if (index >= values.length - 1) { directionUp = false; } } else { index--; if (index <= 0) { directionUp = true; } } } } /** * Starting from the bottom move up 2, down 1 */ function* jumpUp(values: T[]): IterableIterator { let index = 0; let stepIndex = 0; while (index < values.length) { index = clamp(index, values); yield values[index]; stepIndex++; index += (stepIndex % 2 ? 2 : -1); } } /** * Starting from the top move down 2, up 1 */ function* jumpDown(values: T[]): IterableIterator { let index = values.length - 1; let stepIndex = 0; while (index >= 0) { index = clamp(index, values); yield values[index]; stepIndex++; index += (stepIndex % 2 ? -2 : 1); } } /** * Choose a random index each time */ function* randomGen(values: T[]): IterableIterator { while (true) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * values.length); yield values[randomIndex]; } } /** * Randomly go through all of the values once before choosing a new random order */ function* randomOnce(values: T[]): IterableIterator { // create an array of indices const copy: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { copy.push(i); } while (copy.length > 0) { // random choose an index, and then remove it so it's not chosen again const randVal = copy.splice(Math.floor(copy.length * Math.random()), 1); const index = clamp(randVal[0], values); yield values[index]; } } /** * PatternGenerator returns a generator which will iterate over the given array * of values and yield the items according to the passed in pattern * @param values An array of values to iterate over * @param pattern The name of the pattern use when iterating over */ export function* PatternGenerator(values: T[], pattern: PatternName = "up"): Iterator { // safeguards assert(values.length > 0, "The array must have more than one value in it"); switch (pattern) { case "up" : yield* infiniteGen(values, upPatternGen); case "down" : yield* infiniteGen(values, downPatternGen); case "upDown" : yield* alternatingGenerator(values, true); case "downUp" : yield* alternatingGenerator(values, false); case "alternateUp": yield* infiniteGen(values, jumpUp); case "alternateDown": yield* infiniteGen(values, jumpDown); case "random": yield* randomGen(values); case "randomOnce": yield* infiniteGen(values, randomOnce); } }