import { BaseContext } from "../../core/context/BaseContext"; import { Gain } from "../../core/context/Gain"; import { ToneAudioNode, ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioNode"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../../core/util/Defaults"; export interface SoloOptions extends ToneAudioNodeOptions { solo: boolean; } /** * Solo lets you isolate a specific audio stream. When an instance is set to `solo=true`, * it will mute all other instances of Solo. * @example * const soloA = new Tone.Solo().toDestination(); * const oscA = new Tone.Oscillator("C4", "sawtooth").connect(soloA); * const soloB = new Tone.Solo().toDestination(); * const oscB = new Tone.Oscillator("E4", "square").connect(soloB); * soloA.solo = true; * // no audio will pass through soloB * @category Component */ export class Solo extends ToneAudioNode<SoloOptions> { readonly name: string = "Solo"; readonly input: Gain; readonly output: Gain; /** * @param solo If the connection should be initially solo'ed. */ constructor(solo?: boolean); constructor(options?: Partial<SoloOptions>); constructor() { super(optionsFromArguments(Solo.getDefaults(), arguments, ["solo"])); const options = optionsFromArguments(Solo.getDefaults(), arguments, ["solo"]); this.input = this.output = new Gain({ context: this.context, }); if (!Solo._allSolos.has(this.context)) { Solo._allSolos.set(this.context, new Set()); } (Solo._allSolos.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).add(this); // set initially this.solo = options.solo; } static getDefaults(): SoloOptions { return Object.assign(ToneAudioNode.getDefaults(), { solo: false, }); } /** * Hold all of the solo'ed tracks belonging to a specific context */ private static _allSolos: Map<BaseContext, Set<Solo>> = new Map(); /** * Hold the currently solo'ed instance(s) */ private static _soloed: Map<BaseContext, Set<Solo>> = new Map(); /** * Isolates this instance and mutes all other instances of Solo. * Only one instance can be soloed at a time. A soloed * instance will report `solo=false` when another instance is soloed. */ get solo(): boolean { return this._isSoloed(); } set solo(solo) { if (solo) { this._addSolo(); } else { this._removeSolo(); } (Solo._allSolos.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).forEach(instance => instance._updateSolo()); } /** * If the current instance is muted, i.e. another instance is soloed */ get muted(): boolean { return this.input.gain.value === 0; } /** * Add this to the soloed array */ private _addSolo(): void { if (!Solo._soloed.has(this.context)) { Solo._soloed.set(this.context, new Set()); } (Solo._soloed.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).add(this); } /** * Remove this from the soloed array */ private _removeSolo(): void { if (Solo._soloed.has(this.context)) { (Solo._soloed.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).delete(this); } } /** * Is this on the soloed array */ private _isSoloed(): boolean { return Solo._soloed.has(this.context) && (Solo._soloed.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).has(this); } /** * Returns true if no one is soloed */ private _noSolos(): boolean { // either does not have any soloed added return !Solo._soloed.has(this.context) || // or has a solo set but doesn't include any items (Solo._soloed.has(this.context) && (Solo._soloed.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).size === 0); } /** * Solo the current instance and unsolo all other instances. */ private _updateSolo(): void { if (this._isSoloed()) { this.input.gain.value = 1; } else if (this._noSolos()) { // no one is soloed this.input.gain.value = 1; } else { this.input.gain.value = 0; } } dispose(): this { super.dispose(); (Solo._allSolos.get(this.context) as Set<Solo>).delete(this); this._removeSolo(); return this; } }