import AutoWah from "Tone/effect/AutoWah"; import Basic from "helper/Basic"; import EffectTests from "helper/EffectTests"; describe("AutoWah", function(){ Basic(AutoWah); EffectTests(AutoWah); context("API", function(){ it("can pass in options in the constructor", function(){ var autoWah = new AutoWah({ "baseFrequency" : 150, "octaves" : 3, "sensitivity" : -10 }); expect(autoWah.baseFrequency), 0.01); autoWah.baseFrequency = 250; expect(autoWah.baseFrequency), 0.01); expect(autoWah.octaves), 0.01); autoWah.octaves = 2; expect(autoWah.octaves), 0.01); expect(autoWah.sensitivity), 0.1); autoWah.sensitivity = -20; expect(autoWah.sensitivity), 0.1); autoWah.dispose(); }); it("can get/set the options", function(){ var autoWah = new AutoWah(); autoWah.set({ "Q" : 2.4, }); expect(autoWah.get().Q), 0.01); autoWah.dispose(); }); it("can set the gain and follower values", function(){ var autoWah = new AutoWah(); autoWah.gain.value = 1.2; autoWah.follower.attack = 0.4; autoWah.follower.release = 1; expect(autoWah.gain.value), 0.01); expect(autoWah.follower.attack), 0.01); expect(autoWah.follower.release), 0.01); autoWah.dispose(); }); }); });