import { Time, UnitMap, UnitName } from "../type/Units"; /** * Abstract base class for {@link Param} and {@link Signal} */ export abstract class AbstractParam { /** * Schedules a parameter value change at the given time. * @param value The value to set the signal. * @param time The time when the change should occur. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator(20).toDestination().start(); * // set the frequency to 40 at exactly 0.25 seconds * osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(40, 0.25); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract setValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time): this; /** * Get the signals value at the given time. Subsequent scheduling * may invalidate the returned value. * @param time When to get the value * @example * const signal = new Tone.Signal().toDestination(); * // ramp up to '8' over 3 seconds * signal.rampTo(8, 3); * // ramp back down to '0' over 3 seconds * signal.rampTo(0, 3, "+3"); * setInterval(() => { * // check the value every 100 ms * console.log(signal.getValueAtTime(; * }, 100); */ abstract getValueAtTime(time: Time): UnitMap[TypeName]; /** * Creates a schedule point with the current value at the current time. * Automation methods like {@link linearRampToValueAtTime} and {@link exponentialRampToValueAtTime} * require a starting automation value usually set by {@link setValueAtTime}. This method * is useful since it will do a `setValueAtTime` with whatever the currently computed * value at the given time is. * @param time When to add a ramp point. * @example * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toDestination().start(); * // set the frequency to "G4" in exactly 1 second from now. * osc.frequency.setRampPoint("+1"); * osc.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime("C1", "+2"); */ abstract setRampPoint(time: Time): this; /** * Schedules a linear continuous change in parameter value from the * previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(0).toDestination(); * // the ramp starts from the previously scheduled value * signal.setValueAtTime(0, 0.1); * signal.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, 0.4); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract linearRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time): this; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(1).toDestination(); * // the ramp starts from the previously scheduled value, which must be positive * signal.setValueAtTime(1, 0.1); * signal.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0, 0.4); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time): this; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value over the * duration of the rampTime. * @param value The value to ramp to. * @param rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param startTime When the ramp should start. * @example * const delay = new Tone.FeedbackDelay(0.5, 0.98).toDestination(); * // a short burst of noise through the feedback delay * const noise = new Tone.Noise().connect(delay).start().stop("+0.1"); * // making the delay time shorter over time will also make the pitch rise * delay.delayTime.exponentialRampTo(0.01, 20); * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(.1).toDestination(); * signal.exponentialRampTo(5, 0.3, 0.1); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract exponentialRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this; /** * Schedules an linear continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value over the * duration of the rampTime. * * @param value The value to ramp to. * @param rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param startTime When the ramp should start. * @returns {Param} this * @example * const delay = new Tone.FeedbackDelay(0.5, 0.98).toDestination(); * // a short burst of noise through the feedback delay * const noise = new Tone.Noise().connect(delay).start().stop("+0.1"); * // making the delay time shorter over time will also make the pitch rise * delay.delayTime.linearRampTo(0.01, 20); * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(1).toDestination(); * signal.linearRampTo(0, 0.3, 0.1); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract linearRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time. Since it * is an exponential approach it will continue approaching after the ramp duration. The * rampTime is the time that it takes to reach over 99% of the way towards the value. * @param value The value to ramp to. * @param rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param startTime When the ramp should start. * @example * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(1).toDestination(); * signal.targetRampTo(0, 0.3, 0.1); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract targetRampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time. Since it * is an exponential approach it will continue approaching after the ramp duration. The * rampTime is the time that it takes to reach over 99% of the way towards the value. This methods * is similar to setTargetAtTime except the third argument is a time instead of a 'timeConstant' * @param value The value to ramp to. * @param time When the ramp should start. * @param rampTime the time that it takes the value to ramp from it's current value * @example * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toDestination().start(); * // exponential approach over 4 seconds starting in 1 second * osc.frequency.exponentialApproachValueAtTime("C4", "+1", 4); */ abstract exponentialApproachValueAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], time: Time, rampTime: Time): this; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time with * a rate having the given time constant. * @param value * @param startTime * @param timeConstant */ abstract setTargetAtTime(value: UnitMap[TypeName], startTime: Time, timeConstant: number): this; /** * Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at the given time * for the given duration. * * @param values * @param startTime * @param duration * @param scaling If the values in the curve should be scaled by some value * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(1).toDestination(); * signal.setValueCurveAtTime([1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.1, 0], 0.2, 0.3); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract setValueCurveAtTime(values: UnitMap[TypeName][], startTime: Time, duration: Time, scaling?: number): this; /** * Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or * equal to startTime. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(0).toDestination(); * signal.setValueAtTime(0.1, 0.1); * signal.setValueAtTime(0.2, 0.2); * signal.setValueAtTime(0.3, 0.3); * signal.setValueAtTime(0.4, 0.4); * // cancels the last two scheduled changes * signal.cancelScheduledValues(0.3); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract cancelScheduledValues(time: Time): this; /** * This is similar to {@link cancelScheduledValues} except * it holds the automated value at time until the next automated event. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const signal = new Tone.Signal(0).toDestination(); * signal.linearRampTo(1, 0.5, 0); * signal.cancelAndHoldAtTime(0.3); * }, 0.5, 1); */ abstract cancelAndHoldAtTime(time: Time): this; /** * Ramps to the given value over the duration of the rampTime. * Automatically selects the best ramp type (exponential or linear) * depending on the `units` of the signal * * @param value * @param rampTime The time that it takes the value to ramp from it's current value * @param startTime When the ramp should start. * @example * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toDestination().start(); * // schedule it to ramp either linearly or exponentially depending on the units * osc.frequency.rampTo("A2", 10); * @example * const osc = new Tone.Oscillator().toDestination().start(); * // schedule it to ramp starting at a specific time * osc.frequency.rampTo("A2", 10, "+2"); */ abstract rampTo(value: UnitMap[TypeName], rampTime: Time, startTime?: Time): this; /** * The current value of the parameter. Setting this value * is equivalent to setValueAtTime(value, context.currentTime) */ abstract value: UnitMap[TypeName]; /** * If the value should be converted or not */ abstract convert: boolean; /** * The unit type */ abstract readonly units: UnitName; /** * True if the signal value is being overridden by * a connected signal. Internal use only. */ abstract overridden: boolean; /** * The minimum value of the output given the units */ abstract readonly minValue: number; /** * The maximum value of the output given the units */ abstract readonly maxValue: number; }