import { Gain } from "../../core/context/Gain.js"; import { Degrees, Frequency, Seconds, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../../core/util/Defaults.js"; import { readOnly } from "../../core/util/Interface.js"; import { Multiply } from "../../signal/Multiply.js"; import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js"; import { Source } from "../Source.js"; import { Oscillator } from "./Oscillator.js"; import { FMConstructorOptions, FMOscillatorOptions, generateWaveform, NonCustomOscillatorType, ToneOscillatorInterface, ToneOscillatorType, } from "./OscillatorInterface.js"; export { FMOscillatorOptions } from "./OscillatorInterface.js"; /** * FMOscillator implements a frequency modulation synthesis * ``` * +-------------+ * +---------------+ +-------------+ | Carrier Osc | * | Modulator Osc +>-------> GainNode | | +--->Output * +---------------+ | +>----> frequency | * +--> gain | +-------------+ * | +-------------+ * +-----------------+ | * | modulationIndex +>--+ * +-----------------+ * ``` * * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const fmOsc = new Tone.FMOscillator({ * frequency: 200, * type: "square", * modulationType: "triangle", * harmonicity: 0.2, * modulationIndex: 3 * }).toDestination().start(); * }, 0.1, 1); * @category Source */ export class FMOscillator extends Source implements ToneOscillatorInterface { readonly name: string = "FMOscillator"; /** * The carrier oscillator */ private _carrier: Oscillator; readonly frequency: Signal<"frequency">; readonly detune: Signal<"cents">; /** * The modulating oscillator */ private _modulator: Oscillator; /** * Harmonicity is the frequency ratio between the carrier and the modulator oscillators. * A harmonicity of 1 gives both oscillators the same frequency. * Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave. * @example * const fmOsc = new Tone.FMOscillator("D2").toDestination().start(); * // pitch the modulator an octave below carrier * fmOsc.harmonicity.value = 0.5; */ readonly harmonicity: Signal<"positive">; /** * The modulation index which is in essence the depth or amount of the modulation. In other terms it is the * ratio of the frequency of the modulating signal (mf) to the amplitude of the * modulating signal (ma) -- as in ma/mf. */ readonly modulationIndex: Signal<"positive">; /** * the node where the modulation happens */ private _modulationNode: Gain = new Gain({ context: this.context, gain: 0, }); /** * @param frequency The starting frequency of the oscillator. * @param type The type of the carrier oscillator. * @param modulationType The type of the modulator oscillator. */ constructor( frequency?: Frequency, type?: ToneOscillatorType, modulationType?: ToneOscillatorType ); constructor(options?: Partial); constructor() { const options = optionsFromArguments( FMOscillator.getDefaults(), arguments, ["frequency", "type", "modulationType"] ); super(options); this._carrier = new Oscillator({ context: this.context, detune: options.detune, frequency: 0, onstop: () => this.onstop(this), phase: options.phase, type: options.type, } as OscillatorOptions); this.detune = this._carrier.detune; this.frequency = new Signal({ context: this.context, units: "frequency", value: options.frequency, }); this._modulator = new Oscillator({ context: this.context, phase: options.phase, type: options.modulationType, } as OscillatorOptions); this.harmonicity = new Multiply({ context: this.context, units: "positive", value: options.harmonicity, }); this.modulationIndex = new Multiply({ context: this.context, units: "positive", value: options.modulationIndex, }); // connections this.frequency.connect(this._carrier.frequency); this.frequency.chain(this.harmonicity, this._modulator.frequency); this.frequency.chain(this.modulationIndex, this._modulationNode); this._modulator.connect(this._modulationNode.gain); this._modulationNode.connect(this._carrier.frequency); this._carrier.connect(this.output); this.detune.connect(this._modulator.detune); readOnly(this, [ "modulationIndex", "frequency", "detune", "harmonicity", ]); } static getDefaults(): FMOscillatorOptions { return Object.assign(Oscillator.getDefaults(), { harmonicity: 1, modulationIndex: 2, modulationType: "square" as NonCustomOscillatorType, }); } /** * start the oscillator */ protected _start(time: Time): void { this._modulator.start(time); this._carrier.start(time); } /** * stop the oscillator */ protected _stop(time: Time): void { this._modulator.stop(time); this._carrier.stop(time); } protected _restart(time: Seconds): this { this._modulator.restart(time); this._carrier.restart(time); return this; } get type(): ToneOscillatorType { return this._carrier.type; } set type(type: ToneOscillatorType) { this._carrier.type = type; } get baseType(): OscillatorType { return this._carrier.baseType; } set baseType(baseType: OscillatorType) { this._carrier.baseType = baseType; } get partialCount(): number { return this._carrier.partialCount; } set partialCount(partialCount: number) { this._carrier.partialCount = partialCount; } /** * The type of the modulator oscillator */ get modulationType(): ToneOscillatorType { return this._modulator.type; } set modulationType(type: ToneOscillatorType) { this._modulator.type = type; } get phase(): Degrees { return this._carrier.phase; } set phase(phase: Degrees) { this._carrier.phase = phase; this._modulator.phase = phase; } get partials(): number[] { return this._carrier.partials; } set partials(partials: number[]) { this._carrier.partials = partials; } async asArray(length = 1024): Promise { return generateWaveform(this, length); } /** * Clean up. */ dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this.frequency.dispose(); this.harmonicity.dispose(); this._carrier.dispose(); this._modulator.dispose(); this._modulationNode.dispose(); this.modulationIndex.dispose(); return this; } }