import Tone from "../core/Tone"; import "../signal/Add"; import "../signal/Multiply"; /** * @class Normalize takes an input min and max and maps it linearly to NormalRange [0,1] * * @extends {Tone.SignalBase} * @constructor * @param {number} inputMin the min input value * @param {number} inputMax the max input value * @example * var norm = new Tone.Normalize(2, 4); * var sig = new Tone.Signal(3).connect(norm); * //output of norm is 0.5. */ Tone.Normalize = function(inputMin, inputMax){; /** * the min input value * @type {number} * @private */ this._inputMin = Tone.defaultArg(inputMin, 0); /** * the max input value * @type {number} * @private */ this._inputMax = Tone.defaultArg(inputMax, 1); /** * subtract the min from the input * @type {Tone.Add} * @private */ this._sub = this.input = new Tone.Add(0); /** * divide by the difference between the input and output * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._div = this.output = new Tone.Multiply(1); this._sub.connect(this._div); this._setRange(); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Normalize, Tone.SignalBase); /** * The minimum value the input signal will reach. * @memberOf Tone.Normalize# * @type {number} * @name min */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Normalize.prototype, "min", { get : function(){ return this._inputMin; }, set : function(min){ this._inputMin = min; this._setRange(); } }); /** * The maximum value the input signal will reach. * @memberOf Tone.Normalize# * @type {number} * @name max */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Normalize.prototype, "max", { get : function(){ return this._inputMax; }, set : function(max){ this._inputMax = max; this._setRange(); } }); /** * set the values * @private */ Tone.Normalize.prototype._setRange = function(){ this._sub.value = -this._inputMin; this._div.value = 1 / (this._inputMax - this._inputMin); }; /** * clean up * @returns {Tone.Normalize} this */ Tone.Normalize.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._sub.dispose(); this._sub = null; this._div.dispose(); this._div = null; return this; }; export default Tone.Normalize;