define(["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * Threshold an incoming signal between -1 to 1 * * Set the threshold value such that signal above the value will equal 1, * and below will equal 0. * * Values below 0.5 will return 0 and values above 0.5 will return 1 * * @constructor * @param {number=} thresh threshold value above which the output will equal 1 * and below which the output will equal 0 * @default 0 * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Threshold = function(thresh){ /** * @type {WaveShaperNode} * @private */ this._thresh = this.context.createWaveShaper(); /** * @type {WaveShaperNode} */ this.input = this.output = this._thresh; this._setThresh(this.defaultArg(thresh, 0)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Threshold); /** * @param {number} thresh * @private */ Tone.Threshold.prototype._setThresh = function(thresh){ var curveLength = 1024; var curve = new Float32Array(curveLength); for (var i = 0; i < curveLength; i++){ var normalized = (i / (curveLength - 1)); var val; if (normalized < thresh){ val = 0; } else { val = 1; } curve[i] = val; } this._thresh.curve = curve; }; return Tone.Threshold; });