define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/source/Source", "Tone/core/Transport"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Oscilator with start, pause, stop and sync to Transport methods * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {number|string} [frequency=440] starting frequency * @param {string} [type="sine"] type of oscillator (sine|square|triangle|sawtooth) * @example * var osc = new Tone.Oscillator(440, "sine"); */ Tone.Oscillator = function(){ var options = this.optionsObject(arguments, ["frequency", "type"], Tone.Oscillator.defaults);, options); /** * the main oscillator * @type {OscillatorNode} * @private */ this._oscillator = null; /** * The frequency control signal in hertz. * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.frequency = new Tone.Signal(options.frequency, Tone.Signal.Units.Frequency); this._readOnly("frequency"); /** * The detune control signal in cents. * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.detune = new Tone.Signal(options.detune); this._readOnly("detune"); /** * the periodic wave * @type {PeriodicWave} * @private */ this._wave = null; /** * the phase of the oscillator * between 0 - 360 * @type {number} * @private */ this._phase = options.phase; /** * the type of the oscillator * @type {string} * @private */ this._type = null; //setup this.type = options.type; this.phase = this._phase; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Oscillator, Tone.Source); /** * the default parameters * @static * @const * @type {Object} */ Tone.Oscillator.defaults = { "type" : "sine", "frequency" : 440, "detune" : 0, "phase" : 0 }; /** * start the oscillator * @param {Tone.Time} [time=now] * @private */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype._start = function(time){ //new oscillator with previous values this._oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); this._oscillator.setPeriodicWave(this._wave); //connect the control signal to the oscillator frequency & detune this._oscillator.connect(this.output); this.frequency.connect(this._oscillator.frequency); this.detune.connect(this._oscillator.detune); //start the oscillator this._oscillator.start(this.toSeconds(time)); }; /** * stop the oscillator * @private * @param {Tone.Time} [time=now] (optional) timing parameter * @returns {Tone.Oscillator} `this` */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype._stop = function(time){ if (this._oscillator){ this._oscillator.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); this._oscillator = null; } return this; }; /** * Sync the signal to the Transport's bpm. Any changes to the transports bpm, * will also affect the oscillators frequency. * @returns {Tone.Oscillator} `this` * @example * Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 120; * osc.frequency.value = 440; * osc.syncFrequency(); * Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 240; * // the frequency of the oscillator is doubled to 880 */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.syncFrequency = function(){ Tone.Transport.syncSignal(this.frequency); return this; }; /** * Unsync the oscillator's frequency from the Transport. * See {@link Tone.Oscillator#syncFrequency}. * @returns {Tone.Oscillator} `this` */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.unsyncFrequency = function(){ Tone.Transport.unsyncSignal(this.frequency); return this; }; /** * The type of the oscillator: either sine, square, triangle, or sawtooth. * * Uses PeriodicWave internally even for native types so that it can set the phase. * * PeriodicWave equations are from the Web Audio Source code: * * * @memberOf Tone.Oscillator# * @type {string} * @name type * @example * osc.type = "square"; * osc.type; //returns "square" */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Oscillator.prototype, "type", { get : function(){ return this._type; }, set : function(type){ var fftSize = 4096; var halfSize = fftSize / 2; var real = new Float32Array(halfSize); var imag = new Float32Array(halfSize); // Clear DC and Nyquist. real[0] = 0; imag[0] = 0; var shift = this._phase; for (var n = 1; n < halfSize; ++n) { var piFactor = 2 / (n * Math.PI); var b; switch (type) { case "sine": b = (n === 1) ? 1 : 0; break; case "square": b = (n & 1) ? 2 * piFactor : 0; break; case "sawtooth": b = piFactor * ((n & 1) ? 1 : -1); break; case "triangle": if (n & 1) { b = 2 * (piFactor * piFactor) * ((((n - 1) >> 1) & 1) ? -1 : 1); } else { b = 0; } break; default: throw new TypeError("invalid oscillator type: "+type); } if (b !== 0){ real[n] = -b * Math.sin(shift * n); imag[n] = b * Math.cos(shift * n); } else { real[n] = 0; imag[n] = 0; } } var periodicWave = this.context.createPeriodicWave(real, imag); this._wave = periodicWave; if (this._oscillator !== null){ this._oscillator.setPeriodicWave(this._wave); } this._type = type; } }); /** * The phase of the oscillator in degrees. * @memberOf Tone.Oscillator# * @type {number} * @name phase * @example * osc.phase = 180; //flips the phase of the oscillator */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Oscillator.prototype, "phase", { get : function(){ return this._phase * (180 / Math.PI); }, set : function(phase){ this._phase = phase * Math.PI / 180; //reset the type this.type = this._type; } }); /** * dispose and disconnect * @return {Tone.Oscillator} `this` */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.dispose = function(){; if (this._oscillator !== null){ this._oscillator.disconnect(); this._oscillator = null; } this._writable("frequency"); this.frequency.dispose(); this.frequency = null; this._writable("detune"); this.detune.dispose(); this.detune = null; this._wave = null; return this; }; return Tone.Oscillator; });