define(["helper/Basic", "Tone/source/OmniOscillator", "helper/Offline", "helper/SourceTests", "helper/OscillatorTests", "helper/OutputAudio", "helper/CompareToFile"], function(BasicTests, OmniOscillator, Offline, SourceTests, OscillatorTests, OutputAudio, CompareToFile){ describe("OmniOscillator", function(){ //run the common tests BasicTests(OmniOscillator); SourceTests(OmniOscillator); OscillatorTests(OmniOscillator); it("matches a file", function(){ return CompareToFile(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(220, "fmsquare").toMaster(); osc.start(0.1).stop(0.2); }, "omniOscillator.wav", 1.6); }); context("Sound", function(){ it("makes a sound", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to square", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "square"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to pulse", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "pulse"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to pwm", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "pwm"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to fm", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "fmsquare"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to am", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "amsine"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("makes a sound when set to fat", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "fatsawtooth"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); }); }); it("can switch type after playing", function(){ return OutputAudio(function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(440, "amsine"); osc.toMaster(); osc.start(); osc.type = "fmsine"; }); }); }); context("Type", function(){ it("can get and set the type", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator({ "type" : "sawtooth", }); expect(osc.type).to.equal("sawtooth"); osc.dispose(); }); it("handles various types", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(); var types = ["triangle3", "sine", "pulse", "pwm", "amsine4", "fatsquare2", "fmsawtooth"]; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++){ osc.type = types[i]; expect(osc.type).to.equal(types[i]); } osc.dispose(); }); it("throws an error if invalid type is set", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(); expect(function(){ osc.type = "invalid"; }).to.throw(Error); osc.dispose(); }); it("can set extended types", function(){ var osc = new OmniOscillator(); osc.type = "sine5"; expect(osc.type).to.equal("sine5"); osc.type = "triangle2"; expect(osc.type).to.equal("triangle2"); osc.dispose(); }); it("can set the modulation frequency only when type is pwm", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.type = "pwm"; expect(function(){ omni.modulationFrequency.value = 0.2; }).to.not.throw(Error); omni.type = "pulse"; expect(function(){ omni.modulationFrequency.value = 0.2; }).to.throw(Error); omni.dispose(); }); it("can set the modulation width only when type is pulse", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.type = "pulse"; expect(function(){ omni.width.value = 0.2; }).to.not.throw(Error); omni.type = "sine"; expect(function(){ omni.width.value = 0.2; }).to.throw(Error); omni.dispose(); }); it("can be set to an FM oscillator", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.set({ "type" : "fmsquare2", "modulationIndex" : 2 }); expect(omni.type).to.equal("fmsquare2"); expect(omni.modulationIndex.value).to.equal(2); omni.dispose(); }); it("can be set to an AM oscillator", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(); omni.set("type", "amsquare"); omni.modulationType = "sawtooth2"; expect(omni.type).to.equal("amsquare"); expect(omni.modulationType).to.equal("sawtooth2"); omni.dispose(); }); it("can be set to an FatOscillator", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator({ "type" : "fatsquare2", "count" : 4, "spread" : 25 }); expect(omni.type).to.equal("fatsquare2"); expect(omni.count).to.equal(4); expect(omni.spread).to.equal(25); omni.dispose(); }); it("can set a FM oscillator with partials", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator({ "detune" : 4, "type" : "fmcustom", "partials" : [2, 1, 2, 2], "phase" : 120, "volume" : -2, "harmonicity" : 2 }); expect(omni.volume.value), 0.01); expect(omni.detune.value), 0.01); expect(omni.phase), 0.01); expect(omni.type)"fmcustom"); expect(omni.partials).to.deep.equal([2, 1, 2, 2]); expect(omni.harmonicity.value).be.closeTo(2, 0.01); omni.dispose(); }); it("setting/getting values when the wrong type is set has no effect", function(){ var omni = new OmniOscillator(440, "sine"); omni.set({ "modulationIndex" : 4, "harmonicity" : 3, }); omni.spread = 40; expect(omni.spread); omni.count = 5; expect(omni.count); omni.modulationType = "sine"; expect(omni.modulationType); expect(omni.modulationIndex); expect(omni.harmonicity); omni.dispose(); }); }); }); });