define(["Tone/core/Tone"], function (Tone) { //hold onto the current context var onlineContext = Tone.context; /** * OFFLINE TESTING */ var Offline = function(duration, channels, rms){ duration = duration || 1; var sampleRate = 44100; //dummy functions this._before = Tone.noOp; this._after = Tone.noOp; this._test = Tone.noOp; channels = channels || 1; //offline rendering context this.context = new OfflineAudioContext(channels, sampleRate * duration, sampleRate); this.context.oncomplete = function(e){ for (var i = 0; i < sampleRate * duration; i++){ var ret = []; for (var channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++){ var buffer = e.renderedBuffer.getChannelData(channel); ret[channel] = buffer[i]; } if (channels === 1) { ret = ret[0]; } this._test(ret, i / sampleRate); } this._after(); //reset the old context Tone.setContext(onlineContext); }.bind(this); }; = function(){ Tone.setContext(this.context); this._before(this.context.destination); this.context.startRendering(); }; Offline.prototype.before = function(cb){ this._before = cb; }; Offline.prototype.after = function(cb){ this._after = cb; }; Offline.prototype.test = function(cb){ this._test = cb; }; return Offline; });