import Tone from "../core/Tone"; import "../core/AudioNode"; /** * @class Wrapper around the native Web Audio's * [AnalyserNode]( * Extracts FFT or Waveform data from the incoming signal. * @extends {Tone.AudioNode} * @param {String=} type The return type of the analysis, either "fft", or "waveform". * @param {Number=} size The size of the FFT. Value must be a power of * two in the range 16 to 16384. */ Tone.Analyser = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["type", "size"], Tone.Analyser);; /** * The analyser node. * @private * @type {AnalyserNode} */ this._analyser = this.input = this.output = this.context.createAnalyser(); /** * The analysis type * @type {String} * @private */ this._type = options.type; /** * The buffer that the FFT data is written to * @type {TypedArray} * @private */ this._buffer = null; //set the values initially this.size = options.size; this.type = options.type; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Analyser, Tone.AudioNode); /** * The default values. * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.Analyser.defaults = { "size" : 1024, "type" : "fft", "smoothing" : 0.8 }; /** * Possible return types of analyser.getValue() * @enum {String} */ Tone.Analyser.Type = { Waveform : "waveform", FFT : "fft" }; /** * Run the analysis given the current settings and return the * result as a TypedArray of length [size](#size). * @returns {TypedArray} */ Tone.Analyser.prototype.getValue = function(){ if (this._type === Tone.Analyser.Type.FFT){ this._analyser.getFloatFrequencyData(this._buffer); } else if (this._type === Tone.Analyser.Type.Waveform){ this._analyser.getFloatTimeDomainData(this._buffer); } return this._buffer; }; /** * The size of analysis. This must be a power of two in the range 16 to 16384. * @memberOf Tone.Analyser# * @type {Number} * @name size */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Analyser.prototype, "size", { get : function(){ return this._analyser.frequencyBinCount; }, set : function(size){ // fftSize is double frequencyBinCount this._analyser.fftSize = size * 2; this._buffer = new Float32Array(size); } }); /** * The analysis function returned by analyser.getValue(), either "fft" or "waveform". * @memberOf Tone.Analyser# * @type {String} * @name type */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Analyser.prototype, "type", { get : function(){ return this._type; }, set : function(type){ if (type !== Tone.Analyser.Type.Waveform && type !== Tone.Analyser.Type.FFT){ throw new TypeError("Tone.Analyser: invalid type: "+type); } this._type = type; } }); /** * 0 represents no time averaging with the last analysis frame. * @memberOf Tone.Analyser# * @type {NormalRange} * @name smoothing */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Analyser.prototype, "smoothing", { get : function(){ return this._analyser.smoothingTimeConstant; }, set : function(val){ this._analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = val; } }); /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.Analyser} this */ Tone.Analyser.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._analyser.disconnect(); this._analyser = null; this._buffer = null; }; export default Tone.Analyser;