define(["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/type/Type"], function(Tone){ "use strict"; /** * @class Tone.Param wraps the native Web Audio's AudioParam to provide * additional unit conversion functionality. It also * serves as a base-class for classes which have a single, * automatable parameter. * @extends {Tone.AudioNode} * @param {AudioParam} param The parameter to wrap. * @param {Tone.Type} units The units of the audio param. * @param {Boolean} convert If the param should be converted. */ Tone.Param = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["param", "units", "convert"], Tone.Param);; /** * The native parameter to control * @type {AudioParam} * @private */ this._param = this.input = options.param; /** * The units of the parameter * @type {Tone.Type} */ this.units = options.units; /** * If the value should be converted or not * @type {Boolean} */ this.convert = options.convert; /** * True if the signal value is being overridden by * a connected signal. * @readOnly * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.overridden = false; if (!Tone.isUndef(options.value)){ this.value = options.value; } }; Tone.extend(Tone.Param, Tone.AudioNode); /** * Defaults * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.Param.defaults = { "units" : Tone.Type.Default, "convert" : true, "param" : undefined }; /** * The current value of the parameter. * @memberOf Tone.Param# * @type {Number} * @name value */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.Param.prototype, "value", { get : function(){ return this._toUnits(this._param.value); }, set : function(value){ var convertedVal = this._fromUnits(value); this._param.cancelScheduledValues(0); this._param.value = convertedVal; } }); /** * Convert the given value from the type specified by Tone.Param.units * into the destination value (such as Gain or Frequency). * @private * @param {*} val the value to convert * @return {number} the number which the value should be set to */ Tone.Param.prototype._fromUnits = function(val){ if (this.convert || Tone.isUndef(this.convert)){ switch(this.units){ case Tone.Type.Time: return this.toSeconds(val); case Tone.Type.Frequency: return this.toFrequency(val); case Tone.Type.Decibels: return Tone.dbToGain(val); case Tone.Type.NormalRange: return Math.min(Math.max(val, 0), 1); case Tone.Type.AudioRange: return Math.min(Math.max(val, -1), 1); case Tone.Type.Positive: return Math.max(val, 0); default: return val; } } else { return val; } }; /** * Convert the parameters value into the units specified by Tone.Param.units. * @private * @param {number} val the value to convert * @return {number} */ Tone.Param.prototype._toUnits = function(val){ if (this.convert || Tone.isUndef(this.convert)){ switch(this.units){ case Tone.Type.Decibels: return Tone.gainToDb(val); default: return val; } } else { return val; } }; /** * the minimum output value * @type {Number} * @private */ Tone.Param.prototype._minOutput = 0.00001; /** * Schedules a parameter value change at the given time. * @param {*} value The value to set the signal. * @param {Time} time The time when the change should occur. * @returns {Tone.Param} this * @example * //set the frequency to "G4" in exactly 1 second from now. * freq.setValueAtTime("G4", "+1"); */ Tone.Param.prototype.setValueAtTime = function(value, time){ time = this.toSeconds(time); Tone.isPast(time); this._param.setValueAtTime(this._fromUnits(value), time); return this; }; /** * Creates a schedule point with the current value at the current time. * This is useful for creating an automation anchor point in order to * schedule changes from the current value. * * @param {number=} now (Optionally) pass the now value in. * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.setRampPoint = function(now){ now = Tone.defaultArg(now,; this.cancelAndHoldAtTime(this.context.currentTime); var currentVal = this._param.value; if (currentVal === 0){ currentVal = this._minOutput; } // cancel and hold at the given time this._param.setValueAtTime(currentVal, now); return this; }; /** * Schedules a linear continuous change in parameter value from the * previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Time} endTime * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.linearRampToValueAtTime = function(value, endTime){ value = this._fromUnits(value); endTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); Tone.isPast(endTime); this._param.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, endTime); return this; }; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Time} endTime * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.exponentialRampToValueAtTime = function(value, endTime){ value = this._fromUnits(value); value = Math.max(this._minOutput, value); endTime = this.toSeconds(endTime); Tone.isPast(endTime); this._param.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, endTime); return this; }; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value over the * duration of the rampTime. * * @param {number} value The value to ramp to. * @param {Time} rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param {Time} [startTime=now] When the ramp should start. * @returns {Tone.Param} this * @example * //exponentially ramp to the value 2 over 4 seconds. * signal.exponentialRampTo(2, 4); */ Tone.Param.prototype.exponentialRampTo = function(value, rampTime, startTime){ startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, startTime + this.toSeconds(rampTime)); return this; }; /** * Schedules an linear continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value over the * duration of the rampTime. * * @param {number} value The value to ramp to. * @param {Time} rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param {Time} [startTime=now] When the ramp should start. * @returns {Tone.Param} this * @example * //linearly ramp to the value 4 over 3 seconds. * signal.linearRampTo(4, 3); */ Tone.Param.prototype.linearRampTo = function(value, rampTime, startTime){ startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, startTime + this.toSeconds(rampTime)); return this; }; /** * Convert between Time and time constant. The time * constant returned can be used in setTargetAtTime. * @param {Time} time The time to convert * @return {Number} The time constant to get an exponentially approaching * curve to over 99% of towards the target value. */ Tone.Param.prototype.getTimeConstant = function(time){ return Math.log(this.toSeconds(time)+1)/Math.log(200); }; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time. Since it * is an exponential approach it will continue approaching after the ramp duration. The * rampTime is the time that it takes to reach over 99% of the way towards the value. * @param {number} value The value to ramp to. * @param {Time} rampTime the time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param {Time} [startTime=now] When the ramp should start. * @returns {Tone.Param} this * @example * //exponentially ramp to the value 2 over 4 seconds. * signal.exponentialRampTo(2, 4); */ Tone.Param.prototype.targetRampTo = function(value, rampTime, startTime){ startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setRampPoint(startTime); this.setTargetAtTime(value, startTime, this.getTimeConstant(rampTime)); return this; }; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time with * a rate having the given time constant. * @param {number} value * @param {Time} startTime * @param {number} timeConstant * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.setTargetAtTime = function(value, startTime, timeConstant){ value = this._fromUnits(value); // The value will never be able to approach without timeConstant > 0. //, where the equation // is described. 0 results in a division by 0. value = Math.max(this._minOutput, value); timeConstant = Math.max(this._minOutput, timeConstant); this._param.setTargetAtTime(value, this.toSeconds(startTime), timeConstant); return this; }; /** * Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at the given time * for the given duration. * * @param {Array} values * @param {Time} startTime * @param {Time} duration * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.setValueCurveAtTime = function(values, startTime, duration){ duration = this.toSeconds(duration); startTime = this.toSeconds(startTime); this.setValueAtTime(values[0], startTime); var segTime = duration / (values.length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++){ this._param.linearRampToValueAtTime(this._fromUnits(values[i]), startTime + i * segTime); } return this; }; /** * Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or * equal to startTime. * * @param {Time} startTime * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.cancelScheduledValues = function(startTime){ this._param.cancelScheduledValues(this.toSeconds(startTime)); return this; }; /** * This is similar to [cancelScheduledValues](#cancelScheduledValues) except * it holds the automated value at cancelTime until the next automated event. * @param {Time} cancelTime * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.cancelAndHoldAtTime = function(cancelTime){ cancelTime = this.toSeconds(cancelTime); if (this._param.cancelAndHoldAtTime){ this._param.cancelAndHoldAtTime(cancelTime); } else { //fallback for unsupported browsers //can't cancel and hold at any time in the future //just do it immediately for gapless automation curves var now = this.context.currentTime; this._param.cancelScheduledValues(now); var currentVal = this._param.value; if (currentVal === 0){ currentVal = this._minOutput; } this._param.setValueAtTime(currentVal, now + this.sampleTime); } return this; }; /** * Ramps to the given value over the duration of the rampTime. * Automatically selects the best ramp type (exponential or linear) * depending on the `units` of the signal * * @param {number} value * @param {Time} rampTime The time that it takes the * value to ramp from it's current value * @param {Time} [startTime=now] When the ramp should start. * @returns {Tone.Param} this * @example * //ramp to the value either linearly or exponentially * //depending on the "units" value of the signal * signal.rampTo(0, 10); * @example * //schedule it to ramp starting at a specific time * signal.rampTo(0, 10, 5) */ Tone.Param.prototype.rampTo = function(value, rampTime, startTime){ rampTime = Tone.defaultArg(rampTime, 0.1); if (this.units === Tone.Type.Frequency || this.units === Tone.Type.BPM || this.units === Tone.Type.Decibels){ this.exponentialRampTo(value, rampTime, startTime); } else { this.linearRampTo(value, rampTime, startTime); } return this; }; /** * Clean up * @returns {Tone.Param} this */ Tone.Param.prototype.dispose = function(){; this._param = null; return this; }; return Tone.Param; });