import { ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../core/context/ToneAudioNode"; import { optionsFromArguments } from "../core/util/Defaults"; import { isArray, isFunction } from "../core/util/TypeCheck"; import { Signal } from "./Signal"; import { SignalOperator } from "./SignalOperator"; export type WaveShaperMappingFn = (value: number, index?: number) => number; type WaveShaperMapping = WaveShaperMappingFn | number[] | Float32Array; interface WaveShaperOptions extends ToneAudioNodeOptions { mapping?: WaveShaperMapping; length: number; curve?: number[] | Float32Array; } /** * Wraps the native Web Audio API * [WaveShaperNode]( * * @example * import { Oscillator, Signal, WaveShaper } from "tone"; * const osc = new Oscillator().toDestination().start(); * // multiply the output of the signal by 2 using the waveshaper's function * const timesTwo = new WaveShaper((val) => val * 2, 2048).connect(osc.frequency); * const signal = new Signal(440).connect(timesTwo); * @category Signal */ export class WaveShaper extends SignalOperator<WaveShaperOptions> { readonly name: string = "WaveShaper"; /** * the waveshaper node */ private _shaper: WaveShaperNode = this.context.createWaveShaper(); /** * The input to the waveshaper node. */ input = this._shaper; /** * The output from the waveshaper node */ output = this._shaper; /** * @param mapping The function used to define the values. * The mapping function should take two arguments: * the first is the value at the current position * and the second is the array position. * If the argument is an array, that array will be * set as the wave shaping function. The input * signal is an AudioRange [-1, 1] value and the output * signal can take on any numerical values. * * @param bufferLen The length of the WaveShaperNode buffer. */ constructor(mapping?: WaveShaperMapping, length?: number); constructor(options?: Partial<WaveShaperOptions>); constructor() { super(Object.assign(optionsFromArguments(WaveShaper.getDefaults(), arguments, ["mapping", "length"]))); const options = optionsFromArguments(WaveShaper.getDefaults(), arguments, ["mapping", "length"]); if (isArray(options.mapping) || options.mapping instanceof Float32Array) { this.curve = Float32Array.from(options.mapping); } else if (isFunction(options.mapping)) { this.setMap(options.mapping, options.length); } } static getDefaults(): WaveShaperOptions { return Object.assign(Signal.getDefaults(), { length: 1024, }); } /** * Uses a mapping function to set the value of the curve. * @param mapping The function used to define the values. * The mapping function take two arguments: * the first is the value at the current position * which goes from -1 to 1 over the number of elements * in the curve array. The second argument is the array position. * @example * import { WaveShaper } from "tone"; * const shaper = new WaveShaper(); * // map the input signal from [-1, 1] to [0, 10] * shaper.setMap((val, index) => (val + 1) * 5); */ setMap(mapping: WaveShaperMappingFn, length: number = 1024): this { const array = new Float32Array(length); for (let i = 0, len = length; i < len; i++) { const normalized = (i / (len - 1)) * 2 - 1; array[i] = mapping(normalized, i); } this.curve = array; return this; } /** * The array to set as the waveshaper curve. For linear curves * array length does not make much difference, but for complex curves * longer arrays will provide smoother interpolation. */ get curve(): Float32Array | null { return this._shaper.curve; } set curve(mapping: Float32Array | null) { this._shaper.curve = mapping; } /** * Specifies what type of oversampling (if any) should be used when * applying the shaping curve. Can either be "none", "2x" or "4x". */ get oversample(): OverSampleType { return this._shaper.oversample; } set oversample(oversampling: OverSampleType) { const isOverSampleType = ["none", "2x", "4x"].some(str => str.includes(oversampling)); this.assert(isOverSampleType, "oversampling must be either 'none', '2x', or '4x'"); this._shaper.oversample = oversampling; } /** * Clean up. */ dispose(): this { super.dispose(); this._shaper.disconnect(); return this; } }