import Tone from "../core/Tone"; import "../component/PhaseShiftAllpass"; import "../source/Oscillator"; import "../signal/Signal"; import "../signal/Multiply"; import "../signal/Negate"; import "../signal/Add"; import "../effect/Effect"; /** * @class Tone.FrequencyShifter shifts frequencys. * * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @param {Interval=} pitch The interval to transpose the incoming signal by. */ Tone.FrequencyShifter = function(){ var options = Tone.defaults(arguments, ["pitch"], Tone.FrequencyShifter);, options); //this.createInsOuts(1, 1); /** * The ring modulators carrier frequency * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.carrierFrequency = new Tone.Signal(options.pitch); /** * The ring modulators sine carrier * @type {Tone.Oscillator} * @private */ const sineConfig = { "type" : "sine", "frequency" : this.carrierFrequency.value, "phase" : 0 }; this._sine = new Tone.Oscillator(sineConfig); /** * The ring modulators cosine carrier * @type {Tone.Oscillator} * @private */ const cosineConfig = { "type" : "sine", "frequency" : this.carrierFrequency.value, "phase" : -90 }; this._cosine = new Tone.Oscillator(cosineConfig); /** * The sine multiply operator * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._sineMultipy = new Tone.Multiply(); /** * The cosine multiply operator * @type {Tone.Multiply} * @private */ this._cosineMultiply = new Tone.Multiply(); /** * The negate operator * @type {Tone.Negate} * @private */ this._negate = new Tone.Negate(); /** * The final add operator * @type {Tone.Add} * @private */ this._add = new Tone.Add(); /** * The phase shifter to create the initial 90° phase offset * @type {Tone.PhaseShiftAllpass} * @private */ this._phaseShifter = new Tone.PhaseShiftAllpass(); // connect the carrier frequency signal to the two oscillators this.carrierFrequency.connect(this._sine.frequency); this.carrierFrequency.connect(this._cosine.frequency); // connect the audio graph Tone.connect(this.input, this._phaseShifter); this._phaseShifter.connect(this._cosineMultiply, 1, 0); this._cosine.connect(this._cosineMultiply, 0, 1); this._phaseShifter.connect(this._sineMultipy, 0, 0); this._sine.connect(this._sineMultipy, 0, 1); this._sineMultipy.connect(this._negate); this._cosineMultiply.connect(this._add, 0, 0); this._negate.connect(this._add, 0, 1); this._add.connect(this.output); // start the oscillators at the same time var now =; this._sine.start(now); this._cosine.start(now); }; Tone.extend(Tone.FrequencyShifter, Tone.Effect); /** * default values * @static * @type {Object} * @const */ Tone.FrequencyShifter.defaults = { "pitch" : 0 }; /** * Repitch the incoming signal by some interval (measured * in semi-tones). * @memberOf Tone.FrequencyShifter# * @type {Interval} * @name pitch * @example * frequencyShifter.pitch = -12; //down one octave * frequencyShifter.pitch = 7; //up a fifth */ Object.defineProperty(Tone.FrequencyShifter.prototype, "pitch", { get : function(){ return this.carrierFrequency.value; }, set : function(interval){ this.carrierFrequency.value = Tone.intervalToFrequencyRatio(interval); } }); /** * Clean up. * @return {Tone.FrequencyShifter} this */ Tone.FrequencyShifter.prototype.dispose = function(){; this.carrierFrequency.dispose(); this.carrierFrequency = null; this._sine.dispose(); this._sine = null; this._cosine.dispose(); this._cosine = null; this._sineMultipy.dispose(); this._sineMultipy = null; this._cosineMultiply.dispose(); this._cosineMultiply = null; this._negate.dispose(); this._negate = null; this._add.dispose(); this._add = null; this._phaseShifter.dispose(); this._phaseShifter = null; return this; }; export default Tone.FrequencyShifter;