import { SyncedSignal } from "./SyncedSignal.js"; import { Offline } from "../../test/helper/Offline.js"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { dbToGain } from "../core/type/Conversions.js"; import "../core/clock/Transport.js"; import "../core/context/Destination.js"; import { BasicTests } from "../../test/helper/Basic.js"; describe("SyncedSignal", () => { BasicTests(SyncedSignal); context("Scheduling Events", () => { it("can schedule a change in the future", () => { const sched = new SyncedSignal(1); sched.setValueAtTime(2, 0.2); sched.dispose(); }); it("can schedule setValueAtTime relative to the Transport", () => { return Offline( ({ transport }) => { const sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(2, 0.1); sched.setValueAtTime(3, 0.2); transport.start(0.1); }, 0.4, 1 ).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.1)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.201)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.301)), 0.07); }); }); it("can schedule linearRampToValueAtTime relative to the Transport", () => { return Offline( ({ transport }) => { const sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(1, 0.1); sched.linearRampToValueAtTime(2, 0.2); transport.start(0.1); }, 0.4, 1 ).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.1)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.2)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.25)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.301)), 0.07); }); }); it("can schedule exponentialRampToValueAtTime relative to the Transport", () => { return Offline( ({ transport }) => { const sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(1, 0.1); sched.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(2, 0.2); transport.start(0.1); }, 0.4, 1 ).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.1)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.2)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.25)), 0.07); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.301)), 0.07); }); }); it("can get exponential ramp value in the future", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0.5).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(0.5, 0); sched.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(1, 0.2); sched.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.5, 0.4); transport.start(0.1); }, 0.6).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample, time) => { expect(sample) sched.getValueAtTime(time - 0.1), 0.07 ); }); }); }); it("can get exponential approach in the future", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0.5).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(0.5, 0); sched.setTargetAtTime(1, 0.2, 0.2); transport.start(0.1); }, 0.6).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample, time) => { expect(sample) sched.getValueAtTime(time - 0.1), 0.07 ); }); }); }); it("can loop the signal when the Transport loops", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); transport.setLoopPoints(0, 1); transport.loop = true; sched.setValueAtTime(1, 0); sched.setValueAtTime(2, 0.5); transport.start(0); }, 2).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.01); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)), 0.01); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.01); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1.5)), 0.01); }); }); it("can get set a curve in the future", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sched.setValueCurveAtTime([0, 1, 0.2, 0.8, 0], 0, 1); transport.start(0.2); }, 1).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample, time) => { expect(sample) sched.getValueAtTime(time - 0.2), 0.07 ); }); }); }); it("can scale a curve value", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); sched.setValueCurveAtTime([0, 1, 0], 0, 1, 0.5); transport.start(0); }, 1).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample) => { expect(sample); }); }); }); it("can schedule a linear ramp between two times", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sched.linearRampTo(1, 1, 1); transport.start(0); }, 3).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)).to.closeTo(0, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)).to.closeTo(0, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1)).to.closeTo(0, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1.5)).to.closeTo(0.5, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(2)).to.closeTo(1, 0.1); }); }); it("can get exponential ramp value between two times", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(1).toDestination(); sched.exponentialRampTo(3, 1, 1); transport.start(0); }, 3).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)).to.closeTo(1, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)).to.closeTo(1, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1)).to.closeTo(1, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1.5)).to.closeTo(1.75, 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(2)).to.closeTo(3, 0.1); }); }); it("can cancel and hold a scheduled value", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(0, 0); sched.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, 1); sched.cancelAndHoldAtTime(0.5); transport.start(0); }, 1).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.25)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.75)), 0.1); }); }); it("can cancel a scheduled value", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(0, 0); sched.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, 0.5); sched.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, 1); sched.cancelScheduledValues(0.6); transport.start(0); }, 1).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.25)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.75)), 0.1); }); }); it("can automate values with different units", () => { let sched; return Offline(({ transport }) => { sched = new SyncedSignal(-10, "decibels").toDestination(); sched.setValueAtTime(-5, 0); sched.linearRampToValueAtTime(-12, 0.5); sched.exponentialRampTo(-6, 0.1, 1); transport.start(0); }, 1.2).then((buffer) => { buffer.forEach((sample, time) => { if (time < 0.5) { expect(sample) dbToGain(-12.01), dbToGain(-4.99) ); } else if (time < 1) { expect(sample), 0.1); } else if (time > 1.1) { expect(sample), 0.1); } }); }); }); it("can set a ramp point and then ramp from there", async () => { const buffer = await Offline(({ transport }) => { const sig = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sig.setRampPoint(0); sig.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, 1); sig.setRampPoint(0.5); sig.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, 1); transport.start(0); }, 1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.5)), 0.1); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(1)), 0.1); }); it("can set a exponential approach ramp from the current time", () => { return Offline(({ transport }) => { const sig = new SyncedSignal(0).toDestination(); sig.targetRampTo(1, 0.3); transport.start(0); }, 0.5).then((buffer) => { expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0)); expect(buffer.getValueAtTime(0.3)), 0.1); }); }); }); });